-14- Depend on Praram

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Pra Twins Fanpage

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Pralak whispered to us that he allowed! We also agreed. He laid on his lap and held his hand. He is P'Neur from the 4th year of Engineering. He is really P'Bar's friend. Actually, that's the twin room if I am not mistaken. Screaming is our melody. #NeurPraram Pralak told to put the hashtag #Photographerisveryhandsome **

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"Pralak! Wake up now!" I called the person next to me. The loudest voice if possibl like shouting and waking up the whole house which really worked because P'Neur also woke up.

"Uh... So noisy in the morning" A sullen voice with a handsome face ducked away. He fell down to the bed, pulled the pillow up, covered his ears and hid in there.

"No need doing that, Pralak. Wake up!" I shook my twin's arm and woke him up again.

"What's wrong?" The person who got up was lying on the sofa. P'Neur raised his head, looking at me popped up, looking at me who was waking Pralak up on the bed.

I used to think that those heart beating when men waking up were not supposed to exist in the world. P'Gun, who liked to speak nonsense when P'Bar made a sleepy face with a messy hair. That was something unbelievable. In the past I used to think like that, but now I knew that what I understand was wrong. Messy hair and hoarse voice made my heart beating strongly. That could be proven by looking at the person who was approaching me right now. The closer he walked, the closer my heart beated.

"Can I sit too?" I nodded like getting a spell. I moved aside to give a space for P'Neur sitting on the bed. In fact, my bed was wide, but the person sitting next to me insisted to sleep on the sofa. I did not know why, once he did not say anything, I just let him doing that.

"My bed is vacant. I also want a person to sit next to me." The person's cheeky voice lying next to me, causing me to bend down to hit him with a fierce face.

"No need sounding so bright. What are you doing?" I asked Pralak.

"What am I doing? I am not doing anything."

"On the page." I said, and Pralak's eyebrows was raised and confused. He moved slightly before walking to pick up his charged phone to read. He read for a while before gradually smiling. The troublemaker walked around before sitting down on the sofa.

"Good. Admin is doing good"

"Good, are you crazy? Since when you took the photo?" I asked him.

"Praram... Can I see, please?" P'Neur asked and moved to me.

"Look, he did it." I said and handed over the phone to P'Neur.

It was a post from my fan club page. They posted a photo of P'Neur lying down on my lap last night. In the picture, I was putting my hand over his mouth. It was when he... kissed my hand. This crazy picture made me so shy that I did not know how to scold or be angry with Pralak. He must be the photographer. He was the person who sent it to the admin This crazy twin!

*** Pamarin ashimata: *** He laid on his lap.

*** Tanasit Tiny: *** P'Gun has given him a pass?

*** Tonkla: **** You left me at Vee's room, then you ran away to hug Praram? *Nnorthh

*** Toot Selly Studying Mechanical: *** My Praram! I am sorry for not being able to protect you.

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