Chapter 27

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Jolting myself upward in bed, I try to catch my breathe. Sweat stuck to my forehead and chest as it heaved quickly up and down. Looking around, I take in my surroundings. A wave of relief comes over me as I take in the sight of my bedroom. Taking deep breathe, my breathing slowly comes back to normal.

Feeling the sheets to my right, I notice I am alone. I'm not surprised. With the hectic day that occurred yesterday, I figured no sleep would come to Alex last night.

The entire house felt eerie and quiet. I didn't like the silence. It left me alone with my thoughts and that can be dangerous for me right now.

During breakfast we are supposed to be discussing what to do with mother. It is customary for large funerals to take place after the passing of a leader or their spouse. They are extravagant and way too in your face. The main point is to show that your mafia will be okay even after their fallen members and head family are gone. Ego boosts if you ask me.

That however, is the exact opposite of what mother wanted. She wanted no part of the mafia during her life, so why would she in death?

My goal today was to convince my family to leave her rest in the way she wished. She spoke about it with me one day while gardening at our house. At the time I never knew why. Looking back I understand that she wanted someone there to fight for what she wanted when the time came. Father would only want to stick to tradition and my job is to fight for mother's last wishes. That is what she deserves.

Getting up, I head straight for the shower and try to wash away some of the hurt. My heart aches with the pain flowing through my system. 

Out of all of us in that room yesterday, my mom was least to deserve her end. She cared for everyone the same, she was an amazing women and I can only hope to be a sliver of how amazing she was. 

She did so much for our country that they know nothing of. She would donate to charity as often as she could and sponsor large fundraisers for hospitals. She even paid for students college when they weren't able to afford it themselves. She was a saint if I ever saw one. 

Father always thought it was a waste of the money that he earned. He is the waste if you ask me. He would always say, "Isabel what is the point of doing for others what no one would do for you?" 

Her answer would always remain the same no matter how many times he bothered her about it. "If I can do one small part to make the world a better place, then I am going to do it." 

Mother was  too wonderful and pure for the corrupt world that surrounded her, but in the end she always found a way to do what she could for those who needed it.

After cleaning myself in the shower, I start to get ready for the day. I don't feel like trying, not right now with everything happening. Putting no makeup on, I throw my hair up in a messy bun after brushing it. Walking to my closet I throw on black leggings and the closest sweatshirt I can find.

Deciding that that is enough I make my way downstairs. Silence fills the house as everyone sits at the dining table staring at their plates. No one knows what to say, what is there to say?

The only people we are waiting on is Alex and Caleb. I am sitting next to Mia while the head of the table open for my husband.

Abruptly the front door opens and the two make their way over to the table. Without looking at anyone, Alex sits down at the head and Caleb sits next to Mia.

Very subtly I see Caleb grab Mia's hand under the table. I smile to myself at the kind gesture Caleb has given my sister. She needs it more than ever. Caleb is good for her and my only hope is that everything works out okay for them.

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