Friends and Family Discount

589 38 3

I study the tower, looking for the perfect spot to attack. This is a do or die situation, I need to perfectly calculate every precise move in order to complete this task, "Aha!" I've got it, the perfect position. I carefully move my hand around it and retrieve it. Luckily, there was no disturbance, so I continue to place the object on the top. 

"Wow, [M/N], you take Jenga very seriously, don't you?"

"Don't patronise me, you fool. This is a sport of intense skill.  You need to have unwavering confidence against you're opponents because, much like the tower itself, any weakness will be exploited. Just like the universe, there needs to be an absolute balance. The most intriguing part is, you cannot create a new piece, nor destroy one, akin to the laws of energy. This game represents the very essence of the world we live in, so to not take it seriously would, simply put, be criminal." My inexperienced cousin makes his move, causing the wooden tower to crumble, signalling my victory.

"If you get this competitive with Jenga, I can't imagine what you'd be like playing shogi..." He starts muttering to himself.

"Shogi? It sounds like food." Fuck, now I'm hungry.

"[M/N], your phone's ringing." I pick it up from the table and it's from an unknown number, which doesn't bother me, it might be someone interesting.


Now I'm working in a cramped game shop, cleaning up some child's aggressive throw up, at the same time trying to comfort him. Not only did this happen on my first day, but the bastard just so happened to throw up in a basket full of Pokemon toys that I may or may not have been eyeing up all day, "Kid, where is your mum or dad or whatever..." I almost throw up myself from the putrid smell.

The brat sniffles and rubs his puffy eyes, "My mam and paps were fighting, so I decided to come here." He hiccups a bit from his crying, and I finally go to properly tend to him now the sick is cleared up. I notice that he has quite a few cuts and bruises and his clothes are quite scruffy.

"What happened to you?" 

"N-Nothing! I just fell, I swear..."I sigh and take him behind the counter to sit on a chair.

"Are you sure that's what happened. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone if it's anything else." He doesn't answer me, "Right, someone's here, so I'm gonna' go help them. You wanna' come or just sit back here?"

"I'm fine back here! I'm not a useless little kid, you know!" Damn, someone's certainly got their attitude back.

I let him be to tend to the customer, but it's another young boy, "Has a kid called Tora-kun come here?" I tell him to wait and I go fetch the other boy.

"Is this Tora-kun?" He grabs him and stands by him protectively, "Why was he back there? You don't even know him!"

"Woah, calm down, kid. He threw up over there." I point to the unlawful area of previously puke cover merchandise, "I was making sure he was okay, he seemed pretty shook up." He looks at me warily, then at the puke kid for confirmation, "Are you is brother?"

"It's none of 'ya business, we'er leaving now." I'm actually sort of worried for 'Tora-kun', so I go to stop the two, but feel I shouldn't pry. Instead, I just tell them they can come back any time, hoping that they might just do that.


Nothing all that interesting happens for a while. It's the same routine of go to school, go to work a few times a week hang out with my friends. The only notable thing to happen was 1-A running into villains and me feeling kind of shit that I couldn't protect Izuku, but I found out from Mina that everyone was else was okay, apart from Aizawa.

[DISCONTINUED] A new leaf (Bakugo Katsuki x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now