Worcestershire Sauce

569 36 23

Underlined is English

"One, two, three, four..." Hojo counts the manga on the shelf for about the fifth time today. I've managed to ignore her up until now, but the shop's empty and the only people here are the two of us.

"Hojo, the manga isn't going to run away and hide, it'll all be there by the time you come back to check on it." She ignores me and starts counting again, "Oi, are you gonna' listen to me?" Ignored, "Hey, Hojo-"

"Be quite! I've lost my place now, thanks to you."

"Like I care, your obsessive counting is driving me insane, so just quit it, will you?" She huffs and goes to the other side of the shop.

"Well, maybe if you realised I was sad, I wouldn't have to comfort myself by counting the manga." That reasoning is more nonsensical than the plot of the manga she was organising. I've worked with her long enough to know that you should just ask her what's wrong and to not question her habits, though.

"Fine, fine, why're you all depressed?"

Her eyes start to water up and she holds a nearby Hatsume Miku plush for comfort. She's going to have to buy it now, "My boyfriend hasn't text or called me in two weeks!" She crying fucking waterfalls, I swear I'm going to have to catch her tears in buckets if I don't want to drown.

"Do you know why he won't call you?"

She calms down a little to make her speech barely audible, "He's been on a business trip to..." She starts sobbing again, her makeup running faster than George Memeulous when the taxman comes, "He's gone to Hawaii with his really mature and attractive boss!"She runs to my and cries in my arms, "I know I must seem mature to you because I'm twenty four" Trust me hunny, you don't, "but she's like, thirty five, so she's older but not old, and she is so much more experienced. Plus, she's got a better job than me and she's actually a really sweet person, so I hate myself for hating her!" Jesus Christ how much can one woman cry.

"Um, have you tried calling him?" Her face looks appalled at the very notion. She pulls away and sits on the counter, her back facing the entrance.

"Looks at you, so young and innocent." Hojo squishes my cheeks like I'm a toddler and continues her spiel, "One day you'll understand, when you've grown into a fine young man. Look at me, acting like I'm an old woman!"

"You're nine years older than me, so you might want to consider a retirement plan."

"How rude!" She gasps.

For one, we actually get customers, so Hojo rushes to greet them, "Hello, welcome to Game Supreme!" Oh, it's that Tora-kun kid.

"Oi, you!" The kid points at me, "My brother uh, told me to say thanks for looking after me..."

"Oh, cool." I give him a thumbs up and carry on with whatever I was doing.

"Wait! Can I get one of those hats?" He nods towards a rack of hats of super mother fucking Mario- I hate that franchise with a passion, because a little snotty nosed brat I was forced to babysit whenever my mums friend would come round. He was obsessed with it and I would have to watch him watch game-plays of it.

"Hojo, go help him out, you've done jack shit today."

"Sorry, can't, I'm having an emotional breakdown."

"Hunny, I'm always in a state of existential dread, get in line." She ignores me so I end up doing it anyway.

He goes and picks out a hat of Yoshi after a long while of pacing back and forth, while inspecting each hat, "Seemed like you've put a lot of thought in choosing that hat, who's it for?"

[DISCONTINUED] A new leaf (Bakugo Katsuki x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now