Chapter 3

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~Tsukishima POV~
Practice was over and I had just left the locker room. I saw Yamaguchi sitting on the bench, wondering why he wasn't changing. When all of a sudden he stood up, walking towards his bags and picking them up.

"Was he waiting for everyone to finish?" I thought to myself as I walked over to the other side of the gym to get my bags. When I turned around, Yamaguchi was gone, and so was Suga. I looked around the gym, looking for the familiar faces when all of a sudden I felt a large hand lightly pat my back. I turned around and I was suddenly faced with Daichi, who seemed to have a worried look on his face but was attempting to hide it.

"You should get to class now." Was all he said before walking off and telling all of the other team members the same thing. Even though I had a lot to ask, I kept my mouth shut, for once at least.

I walked out of the gym to be met by the king himself. "Hey King." I said as I playfully smirked while earning a sharp glare from Kageyama. He clicked his tongue and started to walk away until he turned around suddenly, looking at me with a confused look.

"Why isn't Yamaguchi with you?" I was taken back by the question but it did get me thinking. Things had been getting a lot weirded between me and Yama. Last weekend when he spent the night at my house, he was afraid to change in front of me for some reason, even though it was normal for us. Then when my brother was talking to him and he nudged him in the side, Yamaguchi suddenly flinched and coughed. And if that wasn't weird, he stopped walking home with me everyday and anytime I asked he would laugh and change the subject. What the hell was going on?

"You know what, never mind. You seem lost." Kageyama said, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked at him to see that he was rummaging through his volleyball bag, I didn't know what he was looking for but it was hilarious watching him look completely clueless.

"Yeah okay, and I'm the one that's lost." I said while snickering and rolling my eyes, earning another glare from the king. "Not funny, I left my shoes in the gym." He said, zipping his bag up and walking back towards the gym. I headed towards the first year building while putting on my headphones, tuning everyone else out.

I waited outside since I wanted to wait for Yamaguchi like I usually do everyday, even though he tells me to just go on ahead. I'm stubborn. That's just how it is.

After about five minutes, I looked up from my MP3 player to see Kageyama and Yamaguchi walking into the building. I took off my headphones and began to walk after them when I saw Yamaguchi bump into some big brown haired guy.

"Who the hell is that?" I thought to myself as I watched Yamaguchi quickly and repeatedly apologize to the taller of the two. He didn't seem to care but once he pushed Yamaguchi into the King, I almost lost it. I had managed to control myself by stepping out of the doorway, waiting outside for the brown haired male to leave.

Once he stepped out of the building, I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him into a barren alley that stood between each building. "What the hell is your.." He started but stopped once I grabbed the collar of his uniform and pushed him up against the wall. He stared back at me with wide eyes as I returned the gaze with an emotionless, empty look.

"Listen, I'm not a violent person, but don't ever touch Tadashi again." I said, kind of surprising myself since I've never acted like this before towards anyone. He quickly nodded and ran off, dropping his bags in the process. I mentally cursed myself for acting out while using my right hand to rub my temple. Then I noticed that all of his belongings had spilled out of the bag, one particularly large blue textbook catching my eye.

I remembered that for the past week Yamaguchi kept forgetting his textbook for our first class since this is one of the only classes where we get a lot of homework. He stays up till like 2 in the morning to finish, so of course he'd forget to pack it in the morning. I picked up the book and made my way back inside the building, earning a couple of glances since some of the other students saw me grab the brunette and force him to follow me, which I didn't really care about.

While I was half way down the hallway, the sound of the bell rang through the halls as I had realized that I was late, and now currently the only one in the hallway. I made my way to the classroom entrance, peaking my head in slightly to make sure that the teacher won't notice that I'm late.

I looked over to the back corner of the classroom where my seat was, but my eyes landed on the freckled male that sat next to me. He had his head down in frustration and was obviously upset, which I found kind of cute. Wait. Not cute. Maybe kind of endearing? I don't know.

I slowly walked to my desk, barely making any noise as I placed my bag on the floor next to my desk and calmly placed the book in front of Yama. He hastily jerked upright to see me placing it on his desk. He had a surprised look on his face that was mixed with a little confusion. "What the- How?" He whispered as he looked up at me as I was taking my seat, while placing my own book on my desk.

I glanced over at him with my casual smirk as he blushed a light shade of pink. There it is again, whenever I see him like this I feel a certain type of way. I don't even know how to explain this feeling since I've never felt it before. I don't know what it is, but it feels good.

~time skip~
The teacher was continuing on with her lesson and to be honest, I wasn't listening. I wasn't even looking in the right direction. I had been bored this entire class period and after some time I had caught myself staring at Yamaguchi.

For the first few seconds I was just admiring him, seeing as we were seated right next to large windows and the sun made his eyes look more like a chocolate/amber color. My eyes then traveled down to his lips. His lips were a light pink color that always complimented his skin tone. His bottom lip is a little bit thicker than his upper lip and whenever he would pout it made his lips look more plump.

My eyes then suddenly traveled to the freckles that littered the right side of Yama's face. I will admit that I've always liked Yama's freckles, not because it made him look better, but because they were just unique. Whenever we had sleepovers, there would be times when I couldn't fall asleep and since Yama and I were so close we both felt comfortable with sharing a bed.

I would normally just close my eyes until I fell asleep, but when Yama was facing me I would count his freckles until I fell asleep again. Each time I did there was a larger amount from the previous times that I did and I was fascinated by it.

So that's what I did, I had begun to count the freckles on the right side of Yamaguchi's face and as I did, I couldn't really think about anything else. I had just gotten to the 20th freckle when Yamaguchi turned to look at me, his eyes locking onto mine while I still continued to finish counting the freckles on his cheek.

"27..." Was all I said in a low whisper while narrowing my eyes so that I was making direct eye contact with Yama. He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head, genuinely confused by what I had just said. "You have 27 freckles on this cheek." I said, lifting my hand up to poke Yama's cheek, which resulted in him turning his head away with an obvious blush painted over his cheeks, and knowing me I couldn't hold back my laugh as I chuckled lightly.

The bell had sounded throughout the school and all of the students around us began to pack their things. I watched as Yamaguchi picked up his bag and stood up while I followed suit. "Yama." I said, causing him to look at me with a questioning face. "Are you coming over to work on the homework tonight?" I asked, hoping that he would say yes since it's extremely boring working alone and extremely annoying when Akiteru offers to help me.

"I guess so..." Was all he said, though he didn't seem happy about the sudden invitation. We both walked out of class and down the hallway to our next class. I wanted to say something as we were entering the classroom but I was stopped when this short blonde girl stopped me in my tracks. "T-Tsukishima-Kun?" She said while holding both of her hands behind her back and tapping her foot on the ground nervously.

"What?" I asked, my voice laced with annoyance as this wasn't the first time this had happened with another girl.  "I-I wanted to say that I really l-like you and wanted to know if you'd go out with me!" She exclaimed, holding out a small white envelope that was sealed with a small red heart and taking a bow. I thought to myself as I carefully grabbed the letter out of her hands.

She looked up at me, her green eyes beaming up at me as I examined the envelope. I looked down at her once again before giving her a half smile. "Cup your hands together." I asked in a more cheerful tone than I actually meant to but she did nonetheless. "Close your eyes." I said and she obeyed, a wide smile still plastered on her face.


The Stars and The Moon - TsukiyamaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu