Chapter 12

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~Kageyama POV~
I made my way briskly through the school gates, the crisp yet cool wind blowing on my face. My body shivered ever so slightly at the rather cold feeling but I just ignored it.

After pushing past the enormous groups of students I had finally made my way to the gym for morning practice. I walked through the doors and was met with an enthusiastic orange ball of sunshine that I found extremely cute and annoying all at once.

"Morning Kageyama!" Hinata practically shouted, gaining everyone's attention which I was slightly embarrassed about. "Dumbass, it's still the morning so stop shouting." I said back, walking past him and towards the changing room. I opened the door and walked past Tanaka and Noya who were comparing muscles in the mirror.

I'm not surprised at all I might add, this may as well be a reoccurring scene every morning.

I gently placed my bags onto the ground in front of my locker and began to undress. I took my team jacket off, along with my white short-sleeved shirt I had on underneath it and neatly folded the two and placed them into my locker.

"Good morning Kageyama!" A quiet yet endearing voice called from behind me. I turned around and smiled at the freckled boy now making his way over to me. "Morning." I greeted, taking a small bow before turning back around to continue changing. I hadn't really noticed until a few moments later that Yamaguchi wasn't with Tsukishima. "That's kinda weird, those two are always together..." I thought to myself as I had finished changing into my gym shorts.

"So you're not with Tsukishima today?" I asked, looking over at Yamaguchi who was struggling to put his gym shirt on. Once he had successfully pulled the shirt over his head, he didn't answer my question. "Yamaguchi did-" "I heard you!" He snapped back, catching me off guard. By now everyone else was already out of the changing room so of course I was the only one who heard. Still, this was extremely shocking.

"I-I'm sorry..." I said quietly, causing Yamaguchi to whip his head towards me with a regretful look on his face. "N-no... ugh I'm sorry... I just don't wanna talk about him right now." He finally said after a short moment of silence. I honestly didn't know what was going on between them, first they were inseparable and now Yamaguchi wants nothing to do with him.

I'm not the type to care about what's happening in people's personal lives, but I can't help but be curious. Of course Yamaguchi and I are good friends but we've never really been too open with each other, actually I've never been open with anyone other than Hinata. Though Yamaguchi was someone that I felt comfortable around so maybe I could try to be more open with him.

I hadn't noticed that I had been spaced out until I heard my name being called from outside of the changing rooms. I quickly snapped back into reality and grabbed my knee pads and headed out of the room. For the rest of practice all I could think about was what I was going to say to Yamaguchi afterwards. Should we meet up for lunch? Yeah that sounds good, Hinata's going to eat with Tanaka and Noya so he'll be fine. Dammit, what will I say? You know what, I'll just have to wait and see what will happen.

~Time skip~

Everyone had just finished changing and were exiting the gym, some more lively than others. I walked out of the changing room, looking into the now empty gym. I jogged out of the building to see Yamaguchi heading towards his first class. I saw Tsukishima following him but they have the same class so it's pretty normal. I hastily jogged past Tsukishima and pat Yamaguchi on the shoulder, accidentally startling him in the process.

"Oops, sorry." I said, laughing awkwardly while he gave me a very genuine laugh in return. "You're fine, did you need something?" He asked sweetly. I was glad to see him in a better mood, he was hanging with Hinata during practice and he has a way of cheering people up. "No I just have a question." "Oh! Well I actually had to ask you a question too. Funny right?" He snickered while playfully placing a hand on my arm as I chuckled lowly.

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