Chapter 2

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I sneak behind the stables, walking to my horse. I already have put the rest of my stuff on him and he's ready to ride. I walk to the stable door and slowly open it.
The stable boy lies on a pile of hay, sleeping soundly. I make a note that if I ever get back to get better living arrangements for him. I quietly walk past him, making sure not to disturb any of the horses. I make it to my horse's pen and slowly take the bolt off.
I open the gate and strap my bag to him. I let him gently behind the ears and take his lead, leading him over to the riding area. I close the gate and leave the note I have prepared so that the stable boy doesn't get into any trouble.
We get to the riding area and I climb onto my horse. He starts running and he jumps over the fence. I pull my hood up over my head so no passerby know who I am. My horse gallops through the streets, attracting the eyes of a few people. 
I finally make it out of town, a few people trying to stop me and take my stuff along the way. I make it to the forest and lead my horse to a stream. I tie his lead to a tree and leave him to eat the grass and drink from the stream.
I sit down on the grass, waiting for the others to arrive. The sun has just started to rise in the distance and they should be here any minute now. O lean back against a tree and wait.
I hear galloping in the distance and I quickly stand up from the grass, wiping my clothes off. A girl with red hair rides her horse towards me. She stops the horse right in front of me and grace fully jumps off, walking over and holding her hand out to me.
"Hey, I'm Kindle. You must be Carbon?" She asks. I nod and shake her hand. She looks around and once she sees that no one else is here yet, clambers back onto her horse and sits down.
She lets the horse behind it's ears and watches the outside of the forest. My horse trots over to me and lays down on the ground. I let behind his ears softly as I watch the sun come up over the mountains.
Two more people ride in and jump off their horses. One is a kid with white hair and the other is a boy with black hair. I walk over and introduce myself to them.
"I'm Ebony," says the boy with black hair. He shakes my hand and walks back to his horse, staying by its side. The other kid walks up to me and smiles.
"I'm Acid!" They say, moving closer and hugging me. I freeze up for a second before gently patting them on the back. I look back over and see Kindle talking to Ebony about his horse.
A boy with gray eyes rides up and introduces himself as Tornado. He doesn't get off his horse, instead staying in it and riding around us. Acid sits down beside me, reaching over and petting my horse behind his ears.
The last person rides up, a girl with long blond hair. She trots up next to Ebony's horse and smiles at us. Acid walks over to her and introduces themself excitedly.
She tells us her name is Waves and I take a quick look around to make sure that everyone is here. I then untie my horse's lead, making him get up from the ground. I hop on and have him trot over to the others. They all get on their horses and wait for my instructions.
"Okay, since we are already in the Earth Kingdom, we should check here first. I have a map of my kingdom and places that are potentially where this could be happening," I say. Everyone nods and we all hold on as our horses break out into a run.
I put my hood over my head so I'm not recognizable, as does Acid and Kindle, being important in their kingdoms. We talk as we ride, mostly about what our life was like before we decided to go and figure out what's happening.
Acid had a good life at their kingdom, being royalty and all. They did get bullied a lot for being nonbinary, but most of that got put to an end when their parents found out. They would help out in the kitchens a lot, making cakes was their favorite thing to do. They even brought some that will last a while with them to eat.
Waves would help out with daycare after school and then go home to her mom and help cook dinner. She didn't leave her mom completely alone, as she has a little sister, but she still feels bad for leaving. I remind her that she can go him at any time but she just shakes her head and tells us that she needs to do this so people feel safe.
Kindle mostly trained all day, occasionally having a battle going on. She got done with her schooling early and is one of the best known warriors that the Fire Kingdom has. She's an orphan but she doesn't mind, looking that she doesn't have anyone to leave behind it anything happens to her. 
Tornado talks about how he would control the wind to make his younger brothers fly around a lot. He talks about his family mostly, telling stories about them. He misses them but I can see that he doesn't want anything like this to ever happen to his brothers.
Ebony doesn't really talk much about what his life was like at his kingdom. He doesn't say if he has parents or not and he doesn't share any details about the kingdom at all. He mostly talks about school and about different books that he's read over the years.
Finally everyone stops and they all look to me. I tell them about my aunt being ruler and how she's utterly terrible at it. My mom is amazing and I hate leaving her behind but I know she wouldn't get it if I told her. My dad left her years ago but I don't care because he was mean anyways.
We keep talking and riding our horses, determined to make it to the first stop today.

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