Chapter 9

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The queen has requested to see you," a guard says as they open the door. I look up from my place on the couch and look around at the others. Tornado nods and we stand up from the couch, following the guard outside of the room.
He leads us up another flight of stairs and to a huge door. He opens it and steps aside, letting us walk into the room. Acid walks behind me, looking around the room.
"Hello! I have been very excited to meet you all!" A woman dressed in an elegant green dress exclaims happily, slipping over to meet us. She pulls Tornado into a hug and then hugs the rest of us.
"Come and sit down! " she says, leading us over to a table. Acid grabs the bottom of my shirt as we walk to the table. I sit down beside them and look at the woman at the head of the table, who I am assuming is the queen. A guard pulls out a chair for her and she smiles at him before sitting down.
"I am the Queen Gust of the Wind Kingdom. And you all are?" She says. I look over at the others and see that Acid is trembling. I take their hand and squeeze it.
"I am Lord Grass of the Earth Kingdom," I tell her. The others look over at me and quickly catch on to what I'm doing. They introduce themselves with aliases, saying that they are a person in the royal kingdom, Tornado making sure to say that he's from the Poison Kingdom so she doesn't get suspicious of our aliases.
"Nice to meet you all! Have someone bring food, we shall have a feast!" The queen proclaims. A person nods and scurried out of the room. I sit down and bare her stare, feeling extremely uncomfortable as she looks me over.
"So what brings you to the Wind Kingdom? " she asks, leaning her head on her hands. I explain that we are traveling through the kingdoms to go sightseeing but that we must leave here in a day. As I tell her this her frown deepens.
"But just you leave so soon? I haven't has visitors in forever," she whines. I nod an explain that our rulers are waiting for our safe return. She sighs and nods.
"Then we must make this the best stay!" She says a deadly twinkle in her eye. I look over at Ebony and from the way he's frowning, I'm guessing that he saw it as well. She gets up from the chair and walks out of the room, assuring us that she will be right back.
"Don't eat or drink anything she gives you," Tornado whispers. The guards left with the queen but there are probably still some outside who could over hear out conversation. I nod and pull Acid into a hug.
"It's going to be okay," I tell them. They nod into my chest and cling onto my shirt. Waves walks over and gently rubs their back. they finally stop shaking and walk back to their seat, sitting down and folding their hands on the table cloth.
We talk for a while about different things we saw on the way, trying not to seem suspicious. The doors open and a few guards walk in. They walk over to our table and stand in front of us.
"There's a ball and feast going on in the ballroom. The queen requests your presence, " one says. I nod and we get up from the table and follow them downstairs. They open two big doors that open into a huge room where there's a table set up.
The guards lead us to our seats, thankfully a little farther away from the queen and close to each other. I sit down in my chair beside Tornado and he plays with the hem of his shirt anxiously. Other people start walking in and Tornado's head almost whips around the room as he looks at the people.
I gently pat his hand and he whips his head towards me. He realizes that it's just me and seems to relax a bit. Suddenly the doors open and everyone in the room stops talking.
The queen walks past everyone to her spot at the head of the table. Everyone's eyes follow her as she walks past them and sits down in her chair. She raised her hands to the sky and smiles.
"Let the feast begin!" She exclaims, pounding her fists on the table, causing it to tremor. People start bringing out food on platter and everyone eats except for me and the others. I put a napkin on my lap and drop the food onto it.
When the napkin is full I move slightly and it spills onto the floor. Acid and Kindle are melting theirs and having it go into dust that settles on the floor. Ebony and Waves are doing the same thing that I am while Tornado is flying the stuff onto the floor.
I pretend to take a sip out of my glass and Waves takes the liquid away, pouring it into a bucket in the corner of the room. She does this with all our drinks.
"The feast of over. Time for the dance!" The queen finally says. We get up from our seats and walk to the other side of the ballroom. People start dancing and the queen sits in a chair, watching them all. I grab Ebony's hand and we start dancing.
"I feel bad, " I say nodding my head towards the guards who are putting the tables away and picking up the food and ashes on the floor. Ebony just shrugs.
We all finally gather together and Tornado points out a way out of the ballroom and back to the stables. there aren't any guards near it and it should be relatively easy to get to without being stopped by anyone.
"What are we waiting for? Let's go," Kindle whispers excitedly.

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