Chapter 15

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"You couldn't see the person?" Tornado asks in shock. The person nods and describes how someone broke into their house and took their partner from the bed while they were sleeping. It looked like their partner was being magically lifted up into the air but their partner said they could feel someone holding onto them.
"At one point I lit a candle and the person holding my partner came into view for a second," they say. Waves asks them what the person who took their partner looked like and the person thinks for a minute before responding.
"He was in really dark clothing but it looked like a uniform. It was black trousers and a collared black shirt with a logo on the front," they explain. I look around and see that all the blood has drained from Ebony's face. He looks back to where the person's bedroom is in shock.
"He had black hair and really dark brown eyes. There was a sword at his waist and a watch on his right wrist, " they say. Ebony frowns and plays with the bottom of his shirt, not looking at any of us. I nudge him softly in the side with my elbow and he looks up.
"It's a warrior from the Night Kingdom, " he says softly. Kindle nods, silently agreeing with him. The person looks at him with shock and a little bit of fear. Ebony shifts uncomfortable under their gaze and I pat him softly on the back.
"They have some of the most skilled warriors. Most kingdoms have some of the Night Kingdom's warriors come train theirs," Kindle says. The person sighs and leans back against their chair, looking defeated. They look around the room at all the things on the shelves and play with a pencil in their hands.
"Can you show us a picture of them? " Acid asks after a minute. The person nods and walks into another room, cooking back out with a picture frame in their hand. They hand Acid the frame and I look over their shoulder at the picture.
I try my best to memorize their face and then left Acid hand it to the others. The others look over the picture before handing it back to the person who sets it down on an unoccupied place on one of their shelves. They straighten some of the shelves before turning back to us with a thoughtful expression on their face.
"Their name is Venom," they tell us. They motion for us to follow them and we walk into the kitchen. They open their cupboard and take out some food. They set it on the table and we all eat and talk for a while. I find out that my assumption that they practice in witchcraft was correct.
Acid doesn't seem disturbed about this news unlike the other people that were in the library. We talk about their witchcraft and different things that they and their partner used to do with it. There's a lull in the conversation and a look of realization comes over the person.
"You're Royalty Acid!" They exclaim, startling Acid. Acid smiles at the person nervously. I see Tornado grab their hand under the table and they calm down slightly.
"You can't tell anyone you saw me," Acid tells them. They nod and swear that they won't. We finish eating and the person puts the dishes into their sink, leading us back to the living room. We stand by the door and Kindle gives me a look telling me that we have to leave.
"We have to go. Thank you for having us here and talking to us,"  I tell them. The person smiles widely and nods. They open the door and we walk to our horses, taking them off the fence and hopping onto them. I look back and see the person standing at their front door.
As we ride away I wave to them. They wave back, smiling widely. Soon I can't see them anymore and I turn back around. Acid is asking Ebony about the Night Kingdom. He doesn't tell them much, as he lived in a poorer area of the town and didn't get to see a lot.
"So where is the portal at?" Acid asks him. He starts at her in shock and tilts his head slightly. He looks down at his map and shows them one of the places marked on it, saying that it's where the portal is located in the Poison Kingdom.
"You don't know where they are?" He asks them. They shake their head and pull their map out, showing that the part of the map that he just showed them isn't even a place on their map. Ebony looks it over and then frowns, looking back down at his map.
"Nobody in my kingdom has ever been able to find the portal," they tell him. They put their map back into their bag and pull on the reigns as their horse starts to start ahead of the group. They fall back and are riding next to Ebony again, looking over his map.
"I'll lead you there. It is only a couple hours from here," he says. He lays the map over his horse and points out the way that we need to go to get to where the portal is. He puts his map back in his bag and scratches his horse behind the ears. I look up at the sky and see that the sun is about to set.
"Maybe we should camp there and go into the portal in the morning," I suggest, gesturing to the sun going down over the mountains. They look over and we all agree that we need a place to camp for the night, Ebony telling us that there aren't many places in the Night Kingdom where we can stay.
"Is there a place where we can camp near the portal?" Tornado asks Ebony.  He nods and tells us that there's a place a somewhat near the portal where we could sleep without anyone seeing us and isn't too far that we have to travel a lot to get there.

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