Chapter 11

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"This is the only place. The guards are always on top of all the crimes here," Tornado says as we walk into an old storage building. Almost immediately after we walk in we are people in cages. I look around but see that none of them are children.
"What the hell?" Acid asks, running over to one of the cages and crouching down in front of the person. The person shrinks back in fear and I walk over to where Acid is standing. I sit down in front of the cage and smile at the person, trying to help them relax.
The person finally relaxes a bit and walks to the front of the cage. I hear the others walking around behind us, letting people out of their cages. Me and Acid talk to the person in the cage, asking them questions.
They have been here for over three months and had to leave their wife and kids behind. The people that run this place aren't nice at all and don't really give them anything to eat or drink.
"What are they doing to you here? " I ask them. I hear a laugh from behind me and I jump up from my place on the floor, startling the person in the cage. A man stands with his arms crossed and a maniacal grin on his face as he states at us.
"Well little one, we take people's powers away," he says walking closer to us. I lift my hands and make a wall between us. He chuckles and lifts his hands, taking a minute to blow it over. When he finally blows it over he looks back over at us, frowning.
"So that's how we are going to play it? Okay then, " he says. He pushes air towards me and I go flying back into the cages, knocking them over. I hear people scream in pain. I quickly get up, ignoring the bruises that are definitely forming on my back.
Kindle walks up behind the man and sets her hands on his shoulders, burning him. He yells and jumps away from her before blowing her into Acid. They both go flying back but luckily hit a pile of clothes. 
Tornado runs over to me as Waves and Ebony distract the man. Kindle and Acid get back up and help the others fight the man. They surround him and take his attention off of me and Tornado.
"We are going back and leading the guards here. The others will be fine," he says. I reluctantly nod and run after him. I jump into my horse and follow Tornado back to the abandoned house.
The guards are searching somewhat near it and sound the alarm when they see us. We quickly ride off and they follow us back to the old storage building.
I can hear the fighting from outside and the guards quickly pick up on it. We ride away as the guards run inside the building. I see the others run out of a side door and mount their horses.
They ride over to us and we hide the horses in a grove of trees before walking to a few bushes. We crouch behind them and watch as the guards lead the man out in handcuffs. They throw the man over one of the horses and ties it to another.
"I'll take him to the cells," one of the guards says, jumping on the leading horse and riding off. Tornado flinches at the word cells and I look over at him. He looks away and doesn't meet my eyes.
The guards start leading people out of the place, letting them get fresh air while they decide what to do with all these people. The person that me and Acid were talking to in the cage spots us.
I motion for them to be quiet and they look over at the guards and nod. They smile at us, mouthing a thank you and then turning back and talking to some of the other people outside.
"We can take the ones with families back and give the other ones their own houses," one to the guards says. A person writes something down and nods to them, riding off in the direction of the palace.
Ebony sneezes and one of the guards looks our way. They start to walk towards us but the person we talked to suddenly wails loudly. The guard turns back to tend to them and I sigh in relief.
We decide to walk back to our horses and ride by the people before we set off to go to the Water Kingdom. I jump onto my horse and we wait about half an hour before riding past the people. I see the person we talked getting hugged by a lady and three children, whom I'm guessing to be their wife and kids.
They hear me and look over, smiling so widely that it looks like their face could break. I smile back and wave and we ride off towards the Water Kingdom.
We make it out of the Wind Kingdom without encountering any more guards and ride out horses up a mountain pass. We make it to the top and stop to let our horses eat some grass. Waves moves lift a her hand and water flows into a crater in the rocks for the horses to drink out of.
I look out off the other side of the mountain and see a huge ocean, with people surrounding it. Tornado walks up beside me and we sit down at the edge of the mountain.
"I was a prisoner," he says. I look over at him and see him staring off down at the ocean. Tears from in his eyes and he plays with his fingers. He looks at one of the families playing by the beach and sighs.
"I didn't have anything, so I stole. I went to prison and got out a year before you contacted me," he whispers, still watching the family. I scoot closer to him and wrap my arm around his waist. He leans his head on my shoulder and we watch the waves in the ocean.
The others sit down beside us, each of them holding onto Tornado, or leaning into him, and I see him smile for the first time in days.

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