Chapter 21

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"We need to get these kids out of here. This is a war zone," Kindle says, walking into the room with Acid and wiping the blood from her sword off onto a rag. Randy moves the dead king's body into a storage closet and closes it. We start having the kids walk out of their cells and up the stairs.
Acid has some people help the kids to the teleporter so they can go back to the Poison Kingdom where the government there will figure out what families that are from and send them back home.
We get the last of the of us out and I lean against the wall beside the staircase, catching my breath. After a minute we walk up the stairs and see that a lot of people are still fighting.
Ebony looks over at me and points up to an indoor balcony. I nod and lift my hand, making a dirt mound under him so he can get up into the balcony. He claps once and he has everyone's attention. All the fighting stops and nobody says a word as they wait for him to speak.
"The king of the Night Kingdom is dead!" He declares. People from the Poison Kingdom clap while the warriors from the Night Kingdom stare at Ebony in shock. He stands there for a minute and lets the news soak in, everyone talking about the king and wondering how he died.
"I, his only heir, Ebony Night, take his place as king!" He says. Slowly the clapping start until it gets to an almost deafening volume. Ebony looks down at us and smiles, claiming back down the mound of dirt and walking over to us.
The guards who are still fighting the poison people are taken away and put into the dungeons where they'll stay for a long time. Ebony makes it over to us, beaming as he looks around.
I pull everyone into a hug and we pull apart, happy about Ebony's new position as king of the Night Kingdom. The people from the Poison Kingdom start walking out and Ebony tells Stars to go and find some people to arrange a meeting about the way the kingdom will be run from now on.
"Oh, before you go. You're my second in command," he tells her. She smiles at him and nods before running off to find people for the meeting. I walk up to his side and wrap an arm around his shoulders as we look at all the people. 
"Well, I rule a kingdom now," he says. Acid nods and tells him a bit about kingdoms and what to do at meeting with other ones, which they know he'll be having a lot of after this whole thing. I take my arm off his shoulders and we walk around the palace, seeing people all around just sitting or standing, not saying a word.
Ebony stops and looks over at them. There's a lot of dead bodies on the floor and I make a note to clean the palace up when Ebony is done with his meetings.
"You can talk whenever you want," he says. The people look at him confused before he waves his hand, and the people start whispering to each other. He turns to us and sighs.
"Well it's a start," he says. We walk to the throne room and see that there's a lot of dead bodies lying around. Acid looks away while Tornado lifts a hand, pushing the bodies back into the corner of the room. A former slave walks by and asks Ebony if he would like them to clean it up.
"Only if you want to. Otherwise I'll have the guards that we imprisoned do it," he replies to them. They look at him in shock before nodding and walking away from the bodies.
He walks up to the throne and sits down, looking around the room. He smiles and gets back up, shoving the throne off the stage. It falls to the ground and breaks, pieces of it flying across the room. He gets off the stage and walks back over to us.
"Let's go let the innocent people out of the dungeons," he declares. We follow him back to the dungeons and walk down the stairs. He looks into the cages and asks people questions before letting them out and telling them to do as they wish for now, but absolutely no fighting.
We make it to a cage where a little girl is sitting there shaking. I bend down and look her over. She shrinks back and looks at us with fear in her eyes. I open the door and walk over to her, crouching down to see her.
"I'm Carbon. I'm getting you out of here," I say quietly. She looks around and nods, grabbing my hand and letting me pull her up. We walk out of the cell just as Stars walks back into the room, telling Ebony that the meeting is set up for an hour from now.
"Asteroid?" Stars asks, stopping in her tracks as she sees the little girl that's holding my hand. She runs over and tackles Asteroid into a hug, who drops my hand to hug Stars back.
"Thank you for finding her," she says us pulling back from their hug. I nod and smile, knowing that a lot of these kids are going to go home and have their families overjoyed to see them again, just like Stars was overjoyed to see Asteroid.
"This is my little sister, Asteroid. Asteroid, this is Carbon, Waves, Kindle, Acid, and Tornado," she introduces us. I smile and walk over to her, ruffleing her hair and making her laugh.
Stars takes Asteroid out of the dungeons and up the stairs to go get some food. We get the rest of the innocent people out and walk back upstairs, walking to Ebony's meeting about his new kingdom.

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