Chapter 4

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I pull on the reigns and my horse stops in front of the huge wall that goes up farther than I can see. I hear the sounds of telling from behind the stone wall.
"It's some kind of dome?" Waves says. I put my hand on the stone and look around for a door of some sort. I walk around the dome, running my hand along the wall. I feel a break in the wall and stop, turning towards it.
I put my fingers in the crack of the wall and pull, the wall almost instantly opening. Acid stands behind me, their mouth hanging down in shock. I peer inside and see a hallway full of cells.
"Let's go," I whisper quietly. They nod and we walk into the hallway. I look into the cells as we walk by, seeing people from my kingdom bloodied and wounded.
"Please get me out of here!" A woman yells, grasping the bars of her cell. I love back slightly and she sinks down to the floor. I look away and see a door down the hall. I point to it and me and the others start walking towards it.
"What is this place?" I whisper softly to myself, looking into the cells as we walk to a door at the end of the hall. Acid makes it to the door first, meeting the knob off. We stand at the door and state for a minute before Kindle pushes past us.
"What are we waiting for? Time isn't going any slower," she says, kicking open the door. It opens to a room with a bunch of windows. I walk over it one of them and look down. The others talk behind me about the people in the cells.
There's an arena type place where Earth People are fighting one another. I look around the stands and try to see anyone, but someone pulls me back. I look over and see Tornado holding a finger over his mouth.
He leads me to a closet and closes the door behind us. I hear someone walk into the room that we were just in. Tornado pushes me further inn the closet and we stand behind the cleaning materials.
"Sir I swear I heard voices in here," a person says. The footsteps walk closer to our closet and stop. The door opens and light floods into the closet.
A hand grips my arm and pulls me out of the closet. I look over and see Tornado beside me, being held by the other man. He looks over at me terrified and I smile what I hope to be reassuringly, trying to calm him down.
They put gloves on us as Tornado tries to use air to help us out of their grasp. I try to use my powers and it doesn't work. I groan and the man holding Tornado grins maniacally at me.
"There's more people in here! Press the button!" The man holding me yells right beside my ear. I wince and try to shrink away but he holds onto me tighter. His hands feel slick and I look over at Tornado who has a look of horror on his face as he examines the man's hands.
I look down and see that his hands, which are gripping my arms, are covered in blood. I don't feel any pain so I shake my head, silently letting Tornado know that the blood isn't mine. He nods at me and smiles, looking somewhat relived.
The door opens and people start storming into the room, tearing it apart. They find Waves and Acid first, grabbing them and tying their hands together and putting gloves on them. They were hiding in lockers and it would be clever if the locker had locked after them.
Then they find Kindle and Ebony, who were hiding under the table cloth. Kindle looks furious as they put gloves over her hands, used to using them as her weapon.
Ebony looks neutral about the whole situation but he usually does. He looks over at me and I see fear in his eyes, something that I don't normally see. The men search the rest of the room and decide that there aren't anymore people.
"Take them to the cells!" A man yells. A person walks over to him and explains that there's only one left. The man slaps him and says to put us all in that cell.
The man holding onto me pushes me out of the room. The woman from earlier looks up from the floor that she's laying on as we pass by. She shakes her head and lays back down on the dirty floor.
The man holding onto me throws me into a cell beside the others, and I grab my aching head. The cell door slams shut and the men all walk away, cackling.
"What the hell! Let us out!" Ebony yells, running over to the bars and grabbing them with his gloves hands. I get up slowly from the ground and walk over to him, setting my hand lightly on his shoulder.
"We're just going to have to wait this out," I whisper to him. He turns to me with tears in his eyes and I pull him into a hug. He grips onto the back of my shirt and holds onto me.
I gently rub his back and feel another pair of arms wrap around us. I look over and see Acid hugging us, a comforting smile on their face. Tornado and Waves walk over too, joining the hug. I look over and see Kindle still standing in the corner, her arms crossed.
I unwrap one of my arms and motion for her to join. She sighs but walks over and leans into the hug. I wrap my arm around her and Waves wraps one of hers around her. We stand there for a while, just enjoying each other's hugs.
"We'll find a way out of here," I say as we pull apart.

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