Chapter 18

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"Hey, you! Go serve this platter to room 46!" A person yells at me, pushing a platter into my hands. I walk away in a random direction, not knowing where room 46 is but I wasn't going there anyways. I keep walking down the halls, following the route that Stars told me.
Me and the others decided to meet up in a hallway and walk to the place together. Stars said that she's seen a lot of kids being hauled into one of the rooms and that we should definitely check that place out. I look around and see that there's no people in this hallway, so I try to find a place to set this platter down.
I walk by a statue and shove the platter behind it, quickly walking off afterwards. I make it to the hallway we're meeting up at and see that Ebony, Waves and Tornado are already there. We only have to wait a minute before Acid and Kindle walk up.
We all walk down to the door where Stars saw the kids taken, walking in groups so we don't seem suspicious. Me and Tornado make it to the door first, seeing no guards standing by it. I take out the skeleton key that Ebony had in his drawers and quickly open the door.
I save to the others and they all follow me inside. I lock the door behind us and turn around. I stand there in shock as I see at least a hundred adults from the Poison Kingdom in tubes. Acid runs up to one of the tubes and knocks on the glass, getting no response.
"I told my parents that something was going on," they mumble, looking at the people in the tubes concerned. I put a hand on their shoulder and they walk away from the tubes, shaking their head. I look back at the tubes with the dead looking people and frown.
"What are they doing in here?" Waves asks. I shrug my shoulders and look around the room. I open another door and see that there's a lab inside of it. I gesture for the others to come over and they follow me into the lab room, looking around.
I walk over to a bucket and see stuff that looks like the portal floating around inside but instead of being dark colors, it's a light orange and purple. It swirls around the bin, making no sound. It's enchanting, unlike the portal, and it pulls me to keep looking at it.
"What is this stuff?" I wonder out loud. Acid walks over to me and stares into the bin, examining the stuff inside of it. They go to dip a hand into the stuff but think better of it and pull their hand back, setting it by their side. They tear their gaze away from it and turn to me.
"It has the royal colors of the Poison Kingdom in it," they say. I take one last glance at the bucket and walk around the room, opening some of the cabinets and finding different medical equipment in them, some of the equipment still dirty.
I grimace and close the cupboards in disgust. I walk over to where Waves and Tornado are looking at some caged animal. As I walk closer I realize that it's a snake who is somehow making all the plants inside the terrarium die.
"Hey guys, come look at this," Ebony says. I walk over to where he's standing and watch as he flips over the table in the middle to the room to reveal a hospital bed that is covered in blood. He quickly flips it back over when he sees the look on me and Acid's faces.
"Sorry, I didn't know there was blood on it," he apologizes. I reassure him that it's okay and continue to walk around the room. There's a huge desk that's screwed into the wall across the room with papers scattered all over it. 
I pick up a folder off the desk and open it, looking through all this data of the people who are in the tubes. I find another folder of the one with the kids, showing it to the others. There's a section for the deaths and the first paper in there is of the kid that we found in the bush who died from blood loss.
We flip through and find that only six kids have died so far out of the thousand or more that they've taken. I set the folder back on the desk and keep looking through the papers. There's a newspaper on the desk and a picture of all of us on it.
"Hey, it's us!!" I exclaim, holding up the paper so the others could see it. I turn it back towards me and read the article as they explain that we are the new kids that have gone missing in the kingdoms. I tell the others that they have classified us under the kids that have gone missing.
The only search parties were for me, Acid, and Kindle. I set the paper down and find another paper that is proclaiming that I'm dead. I look at it in shock and set it down.
"Well I didn't think I'd be reading about my own death," I say and Tornado walks over, reading over the article. Apparently my aunt was the one that announced it, saying that I was found in the town of the kingdom when she was off on a day trip.
It also says that my mother was spotted wearing a black feather in her hat, showing that she had just lost someone. I clench my fists, deciding that as soon as I get back I am making sure that my aunt has no more power over anything.
I feel someone grab my hand and uncurl my fingers. I look up and Tornado smiles at me. I pull him into a hug and he runs his hands through my hair, helping me relax. I pull away and keep looking on the table, making sure to keep away from the newspapers, not really wanting to read about my own death or my mother's despair again.
I find a piece of paper and pick it up, my eyes widening as I read it over. I quickly turn around and see that Kindle is staring at me from where she's standing near the bucket.
"They're taking their powers!" We exclaim at the same time.

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