Chapter 8

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"Stop right there!" A guard tells at us. I pull my reigns and my horse comes to a stop. The guards trot up to us on their horses. Acid has their hood pulled over their head and as does me and Kindle so we don't get recognized.
"You are under arrest. We are taking you to the palace," one of the guards says. I look over at Tornado who looks perfectly calm as the guards tie out horses to theirs.
They start off and our horses follow them to the palace. Kindle goes to fight with he guards but Tornado shakes his head and she stays quiet. Acid looks like their about to cry and I reach over to lightly pay them on the shoulder. 
"Prison here isn't so bad, " Tornado whispers to us. Acid looks at him doubtfully but doesn't say anything. We make it to the palace and they put our horses in stables.
"Follow us to the carrier," the guards say. They don't have us tied up or anything but we still decide to follow them. We step onto a platform the raises and people from below push air onto the bottom of it. The platform comes up to the steps of the palace and we get off.
The platform comes slowly back down and the guards lead us inside the palace. We walk up a staircase and the guards lead us to a house sized room. They open the door and walk in, featuring for us to follow them.
"This is where you will stay. There's a note on the table," one of the guards says. They walk out and close the door, leaving us alone in the room. I walk over and try the door but it's locked. I walk back to the couch and sit down in defeat.
"Well, we're locked in," I say. Acid goes over to the door, probably intending to melt it but Tornado grabs their arm and shakes his head. They walk back to the couch and sit down.
"We have to stay until they tell us that we may leave," he says to us. Kindle and him argue about it, Kindle saying that we have places to go and see while he insists that we stay.
"Okay stop. Let's stay. If the kids are being held here then we'll find out. We don't have a time limit," I say. Kindle nods reluctantly and they stop fighting about it.
"Wait, let's read the more they left," Waves says, getting up from the couch and walking over to a dinner table. She picks up a piece of paper and walk back to the couch, sitting down in front of us.
"Food will be served at meal times daily. There are snacks in the cupboard. Do not leave this room," she reads. She flips it over and then hands of to us.
"That's it?" She asks. Tornado shrugs and leans back against the couch. I get up from the couch and check out the rooms. There's enough to fit two of us to a room and all of the rooms have two huge beds.
"I told you that it's nice for a prison!" Tornado calls from the living room. I chuckle and shut the door of the room I was just looking into. There's also two bathrooms in each bedroom and a closet.
"What's inside their desk?" Acid asks from another room. I walk to the room that they're in and walk to the desk. There's a big lock on the front of it.
"I don't know. Open it," Tornado says, walking into the room. Acid puts their hand on the lock and the lock melts off of the desk. Acid brings their hand back and moves back so Tornado can open it.
He opens the desk and there's paper, quills, and ink inside of it. There's also a flask of something and a pocket knife. Acid takes the knife and puts it in their pocket while I grab the flask.
I walk out the door and into the kitchen. I take a bowl out of the cupboards and set it on the counter. The others walk in and crowd around me as I attempt to open the flask. I try my hardest to open it until I realize that it's screwed too tight.
"Soak it in hit water for a while, " Waves suggests. I nod and walk over to the sink, filling the bowl with steaming hot water. I set the flask in the bowl and we talk for a while before Waves says it's time to try and open the flask again.
I take the flask out and pour the water out of the bowl, setting it back down on the counter. I unscrew the flask easily and dump the contents into the bowl.
"It's power enhancer," Kindle says from beside me. The liquid changes colors constantly and swirls around the bowl. I see Waves to to reach into the bowl but Acid slaps her hand away from the bowl.
"It's highly illegal. That's probably why the desk was locked," Acid says from beside me. I pour the liquid back into the flask, making sure not to get any on my hands or in the sink. I walk back into the desk and out it back in the desk.
I hear the front door open and someone taking to the others. I walk out of the room as the door closes and the others turn around, containers of food piled up in their arms. We walk to the kitchen and they set the food down on the table.
We sit down and eat the food, putting the containers by the door so the people could come pick them up later on. We walk back into the living room and sit down to talk for a while.
"I call bunking with Carbon!" Acid says after Ebony brings up the fact that it's getting late. I laugh and look around the room. Kindle and Waves nod to each other, a silent agreement to bunk together. Ebony and Tornado walk into one of the rooms and say goodnight before closing the door. late
Me and Acid walk into the room with the desk and Acid flops onto one of the beds, claiming it as theirs. I sit down on the other one and look out the window, seeing all the people moving in the dark.
" Night Carbon," Acid says. I look over at them and tell them goodnight before snuggling into my own covers and falling asleep.

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