Chapter 10

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We make our way over to the door, dancing out way through. We switch partners a couple of times but we finally make it out of the crowd of dancing bodies.
"Hey, where are you going?" A person behind us asks. I turn around and see the queen standing there. I quickly now to her and tell her that we were getting tired of dancing and decided to watch from the sidelines.
"Nonsense! Come and sit with me!" She exclaims. She walks back through the crowd of dancers, the crowd parting as she walks through. We follow behind her and she leads us up to a card table set near her throne.
"Want to play Blackjack? " she asks. Tornado quickly nods and the queen deals the cards out. As she deals I look for a way out of this but there's guards surrounding the throne and card table.
The queen finishes dealing out the cards and we play the game. I keep looking for another way to get out, making me lose the card game, but I don't really mind.
"First time playing?" The queen asks me, laughing. I hear my eyes away from the dance floor and take a laugh, nodding. I take my turn and then look back to the dance floor.
The game ends and the queen goes to deal out another game. Tornado stands up and walk over to her, thanking her for her hospitality and the feast.
"I'm afraid that me and my friends are tired and we should go back to our rooms," he says to her. She seems slightly mad about it but finally nods her head, sighing.
We walk away from the card table and around the crowd of people. I feel the queen's gaze on my back and I gulp. Kindle looks back at the queen, smiling and waving.
"We're going to have to make a break for it," Kindle says, frowning as she turns back to face us. I nod and we start running. I hear the queen tell behind us and people screaming as the guards run into the crowd of dancers.
I knock over some person dancing and they tell profanities after me. I keep running, hearing the guards getting closer to us. Acid trips over someone and I quickly grab them from off the floor, throwing them over my shoulder.
"You're really light," I tell them as we run towards the side door. I hear them laugh in my ear. They blast some poison back towards the guards as I run through the scattered crowd of dancers.
We make it to the side door and I push it open and run to the platform. The others stand beside me as Waves closes the door behind us, Kindle sealing it with fire to making it harder for the guards to get through. I set down Acid before looking down off the platform and then back up at everyone.
"How in the world are we going to get down there?" I ask out of breath. Tornado looks around and then lifts a hand, pushing air towards a lever. It clicks and the platform starts moving down.
I hear banging on the door as the guards finally catch up to where we are. The platform goes down extremely slowly, and I groan. The guards crack a hole into the door and the splinters come showering down into us.
I lift my hands and put a wall of dirt between us and the splinters. I then take the dirt and put it in a pile far beneath us. I make a wall in front of the door just as the guards start to try and kick it open.
"This thing needs to move faster!" Kindle says, glaring at the platform that we're standing on. Dirt showers down on us and I look up to see that the guards made it past.
"We're going to have to jump!" Ebony yells. I take some dirt out of the ground, creating a crater in the ground beside the platform. Waves puts water into it and jumps down. I hear her splash in the water an oval for us to jump down.
We jump, one after the other and swim across the crater. I get off last and make it over to the others. We run to the stables, Waves taking the water from the crater out and watering some of the plants around.
We make it to the stables and quickly find out horses, jumping on. We ride off, the guards still after us. I look down and see that they left everything on our horses, even all the bags that we have on them.
Acid turns around on their horses and splashes poison on the ground. I make crater where there isn't poison and the guard's horses have a hard time getting around without the poison hurting their hooves. We get fat enough away from them where we can no longer see them.
We make it to a abandoned house and Tornado lifts his hands, throwing open the door with air. We ride the horses inside and leave them in the living room. I close the door and lock it before following the others upstairs.
I sit down on the bed in the room that they're sitting in. I lean back and state up at the ceiling, my hands folded on my stomach. I start laughing and I hear Acid join me. Soon everyone in the room is laughing.
"Well that was fun," Waves gasps out between laughs. I nod and take a deep breath, smiling widely. I roll my eyes and sit up on the bed. Ebony walks out other room and comes back a minute later with a couple containers of food.
We open them on the bed and eat, talking about the guards and the crazy queen. At one point we hear the guards riding by and Kindle puts out the fire place, and we sit quietly, not daring to move.
They finally move away and we keep talking, laughing and feeling relived that we got away.

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