Chapter 12

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"This place is really old," Ebony says, tapping on the walls of the water temple. Waves nods from beside him and tells us the history of the place. After it had been abandoned a couple decades back it became a known place for suspicious activity.
We walk into a room where there is a statue of a person holding a trident. I walk over to it and notice that it's eroded from all the water splashing in from the ocean.
"This used to be a worshipping temple before it got taken down in the hurricane," Waves comments as I look around and find more statues of people who are controlling the water or holding a weapon. Acid walks over and points out the and on one of them, tapping it lightly.
The statue crumbles underneath their fingers and starts falling towards them. They jump back and Kindle catches them before they fall into another statue. The statue slams to the floor and shatters into hundreds of pieces.
"I'm so sorry Waves, I really didn't mean to," Acid says but Waves just laughs and shakes her head. She walks over and ruffles their hair, smiling down at them.
"I never worshipped them, the higher ups would always take the food and pretend to be the people in those statues, "she says. acid nods and we walk out of the crept statue room.
We walk into a worship hall where one of the walls had fallen inside from another room. The pews are almost all knocked over while books and paper are scattered around the room.
I walk up to the stage and stand on it, looking over the worshipping room. One of the windows is somehow still intact, depicting a picture of a person holding a trident who is bringing more fish into a lake.
Tornado walks up beside me, lifting his hand and blowing some papers away so that they don't trip him. He walks over to a sewer and opens it, pulling out a chain of some sort.
"Hey guys! Look what I found!" He exclaims. The others walk up and we look at the chain. It looks like a necklace with the small jewel dolphin hanging from it, but Waves assures us that it's a chain that the pastors would always wear.
Tornado goes to put it back but Waves tells him to keep it, as we could bargain with it here. He nods and puts it in his pocket, looking somewhat guilty. I walk over and pat him on the shoulder and he relaxes a little bit, knowing that he isn't doing anything wrong.
We walk out of the worship room and check some of the other doors, Kindle finding another necklace in a private study. We walk into a library and I scan the shelves, disappointed as I realize that all the books are about history on a religion that I'm not really interested in.
"You like reading?" Kindle asks from behind me as I put a book back on the shelves. I almost drop the book but quickly catch it and set it on the shelf. She grabs me shoulder and turns me to face her, repeating the question. I rub the back of my neck and smile sheepishly.
"Yeah, it's nice to read about adventures," I say. Kindle grabs a book from off the floor and puts it on the shelf where it's supposed to go, while I turn back and look over the titles of the books on the shelves.
"Well how does it feel to be on your own adventure?" Waves asks from where she's sitting in an armchair, watching Acid try and fix a broken lamp on a small table.
"You know, I like it. It's really run," I reply, taking another book off one of the shelves and opening it. Another chain falls out and I look it over. It's like the rest except for the fact that it has a fish jewel instead of a dolphin jewel.
"Hey Waves. Come look at this," I say. Waves gets up from her armchair and walks over to me. I set the book down on top of some of the others and hand Waves the chain.
Just before she can take it, the ground starts shaking. I shove the chain into my pocket and follow the others outside of the room. Water has already flooded to the top of the first floor and is starting to come up into the second.
"How do we get out of here?" Acid asks, staring down at the rising water in the second floor. I look down to the second floor that's already half submerged in water.
"We're going to have to swim out!" Tornado says over the rush of the water. It comes up to the third floor and a thin layer spreads over the floor at our feet.
Waves dives in first and I follow her down into the water. I swim behind her and try not to hit into any of the debris floating in the water. My lungs start to burn just as we get down to the first floor.
Waves quickly swims over and owns the front door but no water comes out of it. She swims through and I start to see spots in my vision. Acid grabs my arm and pulls me through the door.
I fall onto the pavement and take a deep breath, loving the feel of air in my lungs. Waves pulls me out of the way of the door and the others Tumblr out similarly to how I did.
We finally all catch our breath and get back into our horses, taking one last look at the temple that is now filled with water. We ride off and are a while away before the temple collapses, the sound of it like thunder.
"Well nothing is going to happen in there now," Ebony says as we ride away.

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