Chapter 19

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"They're taking the poison people's powers!" I exclaim, pacing around the room. Acid looks back into the room with the tubes, looking worried. Waves wraps an arm around their shoulder and tries to calm them down.
"But the real question is why?" Ebony says from the other side of the room. I sit down on a chair and look up at the ceiling, trying to think of any reason that the Night Kingdom would take all these people to drain their powers. And that doesn't even explain why the kids are being taken as they haven't developed their powers very well.
I get up from the chair and walk back into the room with the tubes, walking down the room and looking into the tubes. They're all transparent tubes with somewhat of a blue tint to them, which makes it easy to see the what the person inside the tube looks like. I get to a particular one and look close inside before realizing who they are.
"Hey, I found Venom!" I yell to the others. Acid walks over and looks in the tube. They nod and declare that the person in there is definitely Venom. I look into the rest of the tubes and then walk back to the one that Venom is in, looking around and finding a clipboard nailed into the wall beside their tube.
I pick it up and read through it, finding medical information on them and a bunch of other stuff about them. I mean, why is it important to know what stuffed animal someone slept with until they were twelve if you are just going to stick them in a tube?
I shake my head and hang the clipboard back up on the wall, turning back to where the others are. Kindle and Acid are looking into the bucket of the poison people's powers, looking through a stack of papers to see if there's a way to give them back their powers.
I hear a knock on the door and everyone freezes. I see Tornado run over and put a chair under the doorknob of the door. The person on the other side tries the handle but the door doesn't open.
I hear them getting their keys out an I realize that we need to put more stuff behind the door because that chair is going to give away really fast if someone pushes the door with enough force. I grab a vacuum cleaner and set it on front of the door.
The others snap out of their daze, grabbing random stuff from around the room and blocking the door. I hear the click as someone unlocks the door and I look at the others. We quickly walk back into the lab and listen as the people try to get into the room.
They bang on the door and I grab Acid's hand and squeeze it, looking around the room and seeing if there's any other at out. I realize that there isn't and I frown, the panic starting to set in as the people behind the door start knocking stuff on the inside over.
I look up and see that Ebony is looking at me with fear in his eyes. I try to smile at him but can't manage to. Tornado reaches over and pats Ebony on the shoulder, silently telling him that we're here. I hear the door open and I freeze.
"Someone's definitely in here," someone says to another person. A man walks around the corner and stops when he sees us in the lab. He tells and the guards rush in, tearing my hand away from Acid's and holding my hands behind my back.
The man yells at us, luckily thinking that we're all slaves of the Night Kingdom. I make sure not to look into any of their eyes and the others do the same. When I look up, I see person in the back who looks at us with an almost regretful expression on their face as the man screams at us.
"Take them to the dungeons!" He yells. The guard holding onto me roughly pushes me forward and makes me walk out of the room. We walk down the halls, drawing the attention of many of the people walking around the palace. At one point Stars walks by us but she doesn't say anything, just looking at us with sadness in her eyes.
We go down a few flights of stairs before walking into a dark, bad smelling hallway. I look around and see cells on all sides of the hallway, people crowded in them. There's another hallway that turns from the one that we're on but the guards just quickly walk past it.
They make it to an empty cell and one of the guards pulls out their keys and opens the cell. My guard throws me into the cell, my head hitting the wall. I wince and hear the others smack their heads against the wall as they're thrown into our cell. I rub my aching head and look over at the others to make sure they're okay.
The guards close the cell door and walk off, leaving us in the darkness of the dungeon. I look around and see that everyone is here and are okay besides having their head hurt from being thrown into the wall. I walk over to them and give them all a hug before sitting back down on the floor at the edge of the cell.
"There isn't a way out of here. When they let you out is when you get out, " Ebony says. I look over at him and realize that he's probably been in this dungeon before. I tilt my head and he sighs, sitting up and leaning against the filthy wall.
"I was ten and refused to bring one of the royalties something. They threw me in here for six months," he says. I stare at him in shock, wondering how someone could possibly leave a child in a dungeon for six months. Acid shoots over and wraps an arm around Ebony's shoulders.
He smiles and leans his head their shoulder, looking around the cell. I look out the bars and see all the people in the other cells, wondering how in the world we are going to get out of here.

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