🔷 12 - Weary But Exciting Day 🔷

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[Air's POV]

"Air! Come on and get ready! It's time for school!"

I groaned in annoyance, as I covered my head with my pillow after hearing my mother's command. I went back to bed, snuggling to my pillow as I was too lazy to get up.

Few minutes later, I heard rapid footsteps going towards my room, with the door of my room slamming open afterwards. I got startled by the sudden sound, causing myself to sit up from my bed with my eyes open widely in shock.

"I thought I told you to prepare now?!" My Mom yelled irritatingly, making her way towards me.

"You're going to be late! Angin's already done eating his breakfast and went ahead of you!" She stated, both of her hands were on her waist. "And until now, you're still not yet dressed up for school, nor even eaten any breakfast yet!" She added, sighing in exasperation.

"GO AND TAKE A SHOWER NOW!" She exclaimed, making me jump up from my bed and immediately went towards the bathroom.

<> <=> <>

I idly groaned, as I walked to school in a slothful way. I honestly don't want to go to school today, because of one reason: I'm too lazy. Plus, school's just an easy-peasy for me, just all an easy A+ grades.

If I got absent, I can easily catch up with my lessons. Not to mention, I also got a scholarship from my primary days. So, why would I worry about anything in school?

I let out a long yawn, still feeling sleepy. I should've locked the door last night so Mom wouldn't come and barge in my room,  disturbing my peaceful sleep while dreaming about swimming with the whales on the ocean.

Not for long, I reached my school, entering inside afterwards. I then went pass the hallways, until I spotted my classroom and went inside. As I entered inside, I noticed there were still a few students inside.

I just shrugged it off as I made my way towards my designated seat, sitting down after then rested my arms and head on top of my desk. I felt really tired so I thought of taking a short nap for a while, while waiting for our first period teacher.

Yeah, it's still early, but my mother wants me to go to school already. Why can't I just go to school  when I feel like it? I groaned internally on that thought.

I deeply sighed as I decided to take a rest since, I'm going to be stuck here for eight hours, so I needed some energy. In just a few minutes, I dozed off, and let my imagination go to dreamland.

<> <=> <>

Few moments later, I felt someone shook me, waking me up from my sleep. I groaned, lifting my head up from my desk and stretched my arms out, yawning afterwards. I lazily looked at that student who woke me up, my eyes blinked twice in disbelief as I saw who it was. It was my nerdy seatmate, Cahaya.

I sighed in annoyance. Freaking dork, I was in the middle of riding a dolphin in my dream.

"What did you wake me up for?" I asked, as I slightly frowned. Cahaya only rolled his eyes and went back to reading his notebook filled with Einstein equations that were written in a doctor-looking penmanship.

"Sleepy head..." I heard him muttered, making me frown more. Um, rude..?

I heaved a deep sigh, sitting up straightly from my seat and gazed at my seatmate. I then took a quick glance on his notes, which he immediately moved it away from me. Though, I saw what was in there anyway.

"Huh, work, energy and power. That's easy." I stated, chuckling.

Cahaya raised a brow at me. "Oh yeah? What's the formula for work?" He asked, narrowing his eyes towards me.

"Force times displacement." I answered without hesitation.

"What's the unit of energy?" He asked once more.


"Named by honour of whom?"

"James Prescott Joule."

"Types of energy?"

"Mechanical energy, Mechanical wave energy, Chemical energy, Electric energy, Magnetic energy, Radiant energy, Nuclear energy, Ionization energy, Elastic energy, Gravitational energy, Thermal energy and Heat Energy." I responded, making my seatmate's eyes slightly widened in surprise. Hey bro, those questions are too dang simple.

"Come on, man." I said, scoffing. "You're giving me way too easy questions." I added, grinning afterwards.

Cahaya smirked from my response. "You're smart." He commented, then offered his hand to me for a handshake. "Cahaya." He introduced, with a grin.

"Air." I replied, chuckling as I accepted his hand for a handshake. "Well, I'd known you for a very long time. We've been classmates for a few years already." I stated, smiling.

My seatmate chuckled lightly, looking back at me. "I thought you're only good at sleeping." He said, laughing.

I laughed along slightly as well. "Don't judge a book by its cover." I reminded, smiling sincerely.

"Hey Air," He called.


"Wanna be friends?"

I grinned, nodding slightly. "Yeah." Friends, huh? I guess this is my first time having one in my ten years of school here.

Moments later, we heard the bell rang, signalling for our homeroom to end and it's the start of our first period.

"Talk to you later?" I asked, as I rested my chin on top of my hand that was placed on my desk while smiling.


<> <=> <>

Recess and Lunch, those two breaks where I could do whatever I want. And what I want, was to sleep the whole time. But that plan of mine, was replaced with hanging out with my new friend, Cahaya.

We talked a lot during the break, eating too sometime. I honestly haven't hang out with anyone for years. Just plainly me and my little brother all along.

But then, my seatmate Cahaya came along and became more than just my nerdy seatmate. He became my friend whom I could bond with as we go through our high school years. To be honest, I never thought I would have a friend like him, a friend whom I can talk to, hang out with and trust to.

And ever since then, our friendship bond became stronger. We became close friends, and probably both nerds now too, I guess. But actually, this feeling of having that one person whom you can truly be with as you go through life, I guess this is what I've been missing for these past years of my life.

A friend, who you can talk with. A friend, who would always support you and be there for you. A friend, who you can rely on when nobody else will. A friend, who you can enjoy your company with. A friend, who can share his happiness with you.

Though I thought this day would be grueling but, I never thought it would also be exciting.

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