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The clear chime rang out as the youthful students let out a silent breath of happiness. Even though it wasn't the end of the day, at least it was a break from all the vigorous studying.

I didn't feel any more excited or happy or anything, after all I didn't mind studying. Everything was understandable and there was even parts that were quite interesting to learn.

Flipping through the textbook that we had just studied, I looked at the page that was set as homework for the next lesson which was in two days and began to answer the questions silently, listening to music whilst doing it, blocking out all the noise around me.

This was a common thing as Bethany and all of them went out to buy food, I would study until they came back and eat with my packed lunch together.

It was much more productive than simply going with them to buy nothing and returning to the class.

Luckily the questions wasn't too challenging, and even if they were, when I got home, dad would happily explain the answer patiently.

By the time that they had come back with their food, we merged my table with Edward's and gathered around it. Although it was a little cramped, we didn't mind it and continued to eat and talk.

Occasionally, people would steal food off one another. By people, there was only Amelia and Ricky that would do that. The victims were me and Bethany. Nobody would touch Edward's food though and he would silently watch us and listen, only rarely replying with a few words.

"Say, Edward. Are you going to walk home today as well? Or is your chauffeur going to pick you up?" I asked with shining eyes. It would be great if he would walk with us again.

"Shall I walk?" He asked back after looking at me for a while.

"We live pretty close after all." I began, scratching my cheek a little. "It would be fun if you would."


Looking at him with wide eyes, I broke out into a smile and asked 'really' a couple times to confirm it and then nodded happily.

"Why don't you just get a free ride with him if you live near?" Amelia asked confusedly.

"Oh! About that!" Ricky suddenly intervened. "She loves transport." He laughed loudly.

Amelia looked confused as I gave Ricky a hit.

"So you weren't good with transport." Bethany said, joining in. "How inconvenient. I wonder how you've survived so far. Do you not go far from home?"

"Nope." I simply said with a strained smile.

As if seeing my discomfort, Bethany changed the subject quickly, fixing my smile immediately at her considerateness.

After I took my last bite, the bell rang again on cue and students began to pour out and return to their own classrooms as class resumed.

Sighing lightly I looked at the bright sun outside a little melancholically. Next subject I had to sit out. It was my favourite physical education that dad adamantly did not let me join. Any sort of persuasion was impossible. I had already tried. I could only be patient.

The class began to walk to the changing room as I changed my direction halfway towards the P.E. office where I would help the teacher bring out the register as he held any sort of apparatus out.

I did offer to help with the apparatus but he horrifiedly declined without hesitation.

Honestly. I wonder what dad had actually said to the school to make them so careful around me. I wasn't made out of glass.

Sitting on the grass, beside the tree to have some shade as I saw my classmates come out in groups, gathering at the centre of the field. Some were even groaning at the heat.

As I looked at the sun, my head felt a suspicious shot of pain as I quickly looked down and shook my head heavily, blinking a couple times to get rid of the blurriness in my eyes.

The cheerful shouting around in the field rang in my ears as my head sound. A wave of dizziness washed over me as I held my head in confusion.

It felt the same as at that time...

Lying down on the soft grass, I endured the waves of pain in my head as I closed my eyes, hoping for it to subside even for just a bit as my consciousness unknowingly drifted off...


Edward's PoV

Under the bright sun, I honestly didn't know why such a tiring subject had to be compulsory, especially when it was burning out so much like this.

Unconsciously, my eyes travelled to the figure under the tree that seemed to be asleep.

Lucky her.

I couldn't help but feel a little envious at the petite girl that seemed to be at peace but then a shot of curiosity also ran up my head. In every P.E. lesson, she sat by the side.

Recalling the scene yesterday when we were walking home and her distressed expression, I couldn't help but sigh.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Amelia and Bethany sneaking up on Ariella as they jumped on her. There didn't seem to be any reaction from the girl lying down on the grass but all I thought was that she was a deep sleeper.

Bethany grabbed her shoulder and shook her lightly before her actions became more and more frantic.

Only then did I think that something was wrong as my legs led me up the slight slope a little quickly as I reached them and Bethany was almost screaming, Amelia stumbling down to get the teacher.

I went nearby and knelt down beside the two girls, my brows furrowing.

"What's wrong?" I asked, reaching out slightly.

"She's not waking up!" Bethany was worriedly screaming as Mr Peter came sprinting over.

"ONE OF YOU GO AND GET ALFIE IGNES! WHO HAS THEIR PHONE ON THEM?! CALL THE AMBULANCE!!" He shouted, lifting Ariella up and rushing inside.

Then I realised that something was ridiculously wrong.

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