20- Respect the drip

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Please ask questions about ME and my personal life!!!! I will do a Q&A next chapter!!! Just leave comments or ask on my message board!!!

"Here she is." Mrs. King hands me her younger daughter Lola.

"Har-Har! I got new shoes." Lola wiggles in my arms showing off her sparkly red shoes. I humor her by telling her how pretty they are. She is too cute!

"Ace is in his room, he's playing Call of Duty and refused to babysit Lola." Karen huffs. "Anyways Bob and I will be back soon. Thank you for agreeing to babysit her."

"No problem. She's the cutest!"

Yeah I was wrong....

I let Lola eat three Hershey Chocolate bars and now she's bouncing off the walls. I try to get her to chill by turning on Peppa Pig but it doesn't work. Now she's making oinking sounds and jumping on the couch.

I should have asked for money when I agreed to babysit her.

"Aceyyyy...." She screams making me jump and turn to her. She runs over to Ace and clings on to him.

"Hey, little lamb. What are you doing?" He picks her up peppering her face with kisses.

{A/N~ Last time Ace called her squirt and some of y'all said that sounded wrong so now it's little lamb. Better??!}

My heart warms at the love between the two of them. The bad boy didn't seem so bad when he was around his baby sister.

"I'm jumping on the couch, see?" Ace puts Lola down so she can show him. He groans when Lola starts jumping on their white couch.

"Lamb, you know better than that....Mom fusses at you all the time." Ace sits her on the couch and turns to me.

"Do you want to order food? My mother and father said there's no food in the fridge. They'll be back with groceries later."

I nod, tacking out my phone and calling Dominos. They best pizza place around!

I order a cheese pizza because that's the only thing I like on pizza. Ace convinces me to add pineapple which DOES NOT BELONG ON PIZZA!

Soon the food arrives and we eat while watching a movie. Lola is in between Ace and I. She's asleep with her head resting on my shoulder. Soon I can't keep my eyes open and I join her with a nap.


I wake up and immediately sit up. These aren't my walls. I glance around and suddenly I remember where I am. I look to my left only to let out a screech.

Ace sleeps shirtless, on his side. His soft snores fill the room. I giggle at his bed head. The short curls lay loose on his black pillow.

I slowly try to get up with out disturbing his sleep. I'm still wearing my clothes from the day before, all I need to find is my shoes. When I fell asleep on the couch he must of carried me to bed. I search for my shoes all over his house. It seems like Karen and Bob haven't come back last night like they said they would. I even check Lola's room and my shoes are nowhere.

I walk back to Ace's room to see him awake. Ace sits up and stretches, my eyes travel to his sculpted abs.

Hot damn.

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