Irene (Red Velvet) x reader

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Male reader.

Irene is a school teacher to her own child, but she obviously doesn't know about this... until she does.

Irene's POV

"Another day in the office" I whispered to myself as I get out of the car.

I've been working at this school for the last 5 years, since I ran away from home.

(5 1/2 years ago...)

"You are not having this baby Joohyun! You're not to have a child with a nobody who you're not even married to!" My mother yelled in my face.

I shouldn't have told her that I was pregnant, I should have listened to my boufriend and leave with him, but no, I had to be stupid enough to believe that my parents would actually care for me and not her appearances.

"I am having it mother, it's my child and I'll be their mother." I answered crossing my arms over my chest and raising my head, I was not gonna back away anymore.

"You are so not doing that! You'll give birth to it then give it up to another family" she stated then left the room.

For the next 6 months I was locked in my own house, not being able to see or talk to Y/N while our baby kept growing inside of me.

The thought of knowing I'll have to give them up to another person once they're born makes me sick.

Y/N and I talked about having a family for so long... and now it was going to be taken away from us.

My mother told me he left town, she said she told him I had misscarried and she kicked him out, saying she would get him in jail for "abusing" her daughter.

That was clearly not true but my parents had the power to make any cruel shit possible, so he probably did run away.

Not even 3 months after that I was giving birth to a beautiful baby, I only got to see their face for a second before the doctors rushed out with them.

I never saw my baby again. I didn't even get to know if it was a boy or a girl.

My world ended right there and then. I didn't have Y/N, and now I didn't have my baby. Our baby.

I wanted to end my life.

So I did. I ended my life in that town, I stopped being Bae Joohyun when I ranaway. I became Irene.

And Irene was going to find her child.

(Back to the present)

But until now nothing had worked.

I looked up and couldn't find anything about a baby being adopted the day mine was born. None in my town.

Could my parents have possibly destroye this evidence as well? Or was my baby never adopted? Was it even alive?

They must be 5 now.

Ironic since I teach 5 year olds at school.

Everytime I see their little face it reminds me of what it could've been had I been able to keep mine.

Y/N and I would be married and with probably another child.

We would be a happy family like we always dreamt about.

I sighed and walked towards the school, hanging my bag in my shoulder and pushing the door, making an entrance.

"Oh hello miss Irene!" One on my kids was already waiting for me.

"Hi Joohyeon, always an early bird are you?" I smiled patting her head.

She nodded with a smile and stood up, following me to the classroom.

"Have you been waiting for long?" I asked. She's usually the first one since her dad's job starts at the same time as school and he has nobody to leave her with so he drops her earlier.

"Only a few minutes" she said sitting at her desk and taking her books out.

I smiled.

She reminds me so much of myself as a kid. Always responsible and mature. And those eyes... those really remind me of...

"My dad wanted to know when the next parents evening is going to be, because he needs to tell his friend so she can come" she interrupted my thoughts and I checked my notebook.

"It will be in two weeks sweetie" I said with a smile and she nodded, scribbling it down in her book. So cute.

After a few minutes the rest of the kids arrived and yet another day of school life started.

It was now lunch and everyone was picking up to go outside when I saw Joohyeon frowning.

I walked closer to her and she looked up at me with those doe eyes. They look so similar to his... god I miss him.

I shook my head and focused on her.

"Is there a problem little one?" I asked and she looked from me back to her lunchbox.

"I think my daddy swapped our lunches. There is a salad here, ew!" She said with a gagging noise and I chuckled at her antics.

"That's okay, salads are healthy... and delicious!" I said enthusiastically, but she was not having it.

She pushed the lunchbox away and shook her head.

"Well if you dislike it so much then maybe you could have mine and I'll have yours?" I asked and she looked at me with big, hopeful eyes. Until the hope went away.

"You don't have a salad too, do you?" She looked at me suspiciously and I smilez, shaking my head.

"No, I'm not that healthy" She smiled at this and quickly digged into my lunch, eating it all.

A few hours later the day was finally over and the kids ran out of the classroom.

On hef way out, Joohyeon accidentaly dropped something from her bag and I ran to pick it up and give it back, but she was long gone now.

I checked what it was in case it was important and when I saw it, my heart broke into a million pieces.

It was a picture. Of a smiling Joohyeon and... Y/N. My Y/N was in that picture.


And then it all made sense. And my knees gave up.


Totally unexpected huh? Heh

Tomorrow i'll be posting part 2 of this story, from Y/N's POV so you can understand better what the hell is going on here.

Enjoy and see u tomorrow x

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