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Mystery/Thriller is judged authoressperfekt, Ace_Goodness, ValantinaHearts, and RujulaSharma. The judges have done a great job by pointing out the weak points and strong points. So, take the review positively/constructively to make your book better. If you have any doubts about the result feel free to PM the judges but with politeness.

Here is the result for all the participants. Don't feel demotivated but with this result try to fill all the loop holes of your story.

1. Book name : The visionary

Author name: macc_and_cheese

Judge name:  RujulaSharma

Criteria 1) Book cover and title: 6/10

Criteria 2) Description: 4/5

Criteria 3) Style and Verbal Skill:10/10

Criteria 4) Characters:3/5

Criteria 5) Language:9/10

Criteria 6) Grammar, Vocabulary and Spellings:19/20

Overall: 51/60

Review: The flow of the story was remarkable, the way the story makes you question at the end of every chapter encourages the readers to keep reading. The cliff-hangers are fabulous even for the people who don't like them. But the characters were poorly managed the connection to the story is stronger than the characters, which is main aspect of a story. Other than this book is a great read for the "mystery" genre.

2. Book Name: Take No Notice

Author Name:  AdultOfTheFuture

Judge name: authoressperfekt

Criteria 1) Book cover and title: 5/10

Criteria 2) Description: 5/5

Criteria 3) Style and Verbal Skill:7/10

Criteria 4) Characters:4/5

Criteria 5) Language:9/10

Criteria 6) Grammar, Vocabulary and Spellings:20/20

Overall: 50/60

Review: It is one of the finest book with no grammar mistakes and one of the best blurb/description. I'm beyond bewildered and grateful that the author paid attention to detail which made it that much more worth it to read the book. I suggest the author to get new cover for the book and honestly this book has a great potential.

3. Book name: V A M P: O N E

Author name: Onyemaobi

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