Chapter 14

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We left the bar and made our way up the street. The shops were open, bright colors and sounds and music issuing from their open doors. Himiko kept glancing at me out of the corner of her eye, and I was trying my best to look casual, as if my mother had not been murdered by someone who was supposed to save people.

Soon enough we made our way towards a simple-looking store, with white wood walls and a twisted chandelier poking out of the ceiling.  I paused before going into the store. Was I really going to make an appearance at my mothers funeral, when my father was sure to be there? There were probably going to be other familiar faces as well, which would almost definitely give me away.

Ugh, what was I thinking? Of course I would go. She was my mother, after all. I had to show my face.

As I walked through the door, the thick aroma of cinnamon and incense stirred certain memories of my childhood, bringing them to light. Like when my mother used to draw a bath and light an incense bar, filling the steamy bathroom with the sweet perfume of incense.

Toga made for a black silk dress with white sleeves. I automatically shook my head.


"Why not?"

I shrugged. "I kind of wanted to wear... um..." I scanned the shop for a suitable option. "That." I pointed to a black pantsuit with a black leather jacket. 

"That? Jade, your mother would have wanted you to wear a dress." She said, still fingering the silk number.

"I know, but I also feel like she would have approved of this. It's kind of a spiritual connection I feel, you know?" This was said with a lot of gesturing with my hands, like I was trying to get my point across.

She considered the suit again. "I'm not sure it will work for a funeral..." She fingered the jacket. "...But it definitely suits you."

I grinned. We found my size and took the suit back to the bar.




When we got there I dropped the suit off in my room then went to sit at the bar. Dabi was sitting in his little corner and Shigaraki was scratching his neck, so it seemed like everything was normal. Little did I know how wrong I was, but until I made my way back to the little room that was dubbed as mine, I would never know.

Kurogiri turned to me and leaned across the bar. "I heard about your mother. I'm very sorry. Do you need anything?"

"A good night sleep would be fine, if you don't need me tonight. I kind of just want to chill." I crossed my arms and laid my head down on them, sighing heavily.

"Then why don't you go lay down? I'll call you out when the rush comes through."

I gladly slipped off the seat and made my way towards the back room again.  Before I got to my door, I smelled something familiar. The sharp, metallic smell of blood. I stopped in my tracks. The smell was coming from the room right across from mine. I looked back over my shoulder. No one was watching me, so I slipped into the room and closed the door softly behind me.

The room was dark, so I felt around the walls for a light switch.  A small lightbulb flickered to life and cast light on the most gruesome thing I've ever seen. A baby was hanging from the ceiling, chains wrapped around its tiny wrists, cuts and scrapes all over its chest and arms. I stumble backwards into the wall, hands over my mouth. I yanked my cell out of my pocket and hurriedly punched in 911, but before I pushed the CALL button, I stopped. The villains could be captured if I brought the police here, but I needed to get the baby taken care of. 

The baby started to whimper, and those pathetic, sad sounds broke my heart in two. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and approached the baby slowly. When I got close enough, I reached for the chains and unraveled them from around her wrists. Yes, the baby was a little girl, and that made it ten times harder.

As soon as the chains let her go, I eased her softly into my arms so as to not upset the cuts. I couldn't help it. Tears started streaming down my face. This poor child. She hadn't even hardly started life yet.

The door opened behind me. I whirled around. Dabi stood in the doorway, staring at me in shock. Anger flashed through me, and I used my quirk against him. The chains that had held the baby shot at him and tied themselves around his wrists, yanking him towards me. 

"What sort of sick game is this?! Kidnapping and hurting innocent children?!" I growled. 

"That's not my deal, Jade. But this is one of the children of a pro hero, and-"

"That's not the point! Is it her fault that her parents made bad decisions? Is it her fault that she's caught in the middle of this war just like I am?! If you were a hero, would you kidnap an innocent baby girl to torture her just to get back at her parents?!"

Dabi paused at this. "I- I don't know, Jade."

The snuffling and whimpering of the baby brought me back from the angry rage I was in, and as I stared down at the child, she wrapped her small fingers around my thumb and took her last breath in my arms. I jumped in fear.

"H-hey, baby, come on, wake up. Don't- no, wait-" Tears started streaming down my face and my throat choked up. I fell to my knees and sobbed bitterly. I could have saved her, this poor girl who had never had a chance at life. Her blood mixed with my tears and stained my clothes. The chains around Dabi's wrists unraveled themselves and fell with a clatter to his feet. He stood there for a second, then backed away out of the room, closing the door softly behind him. 

I started feeling incredibly strange. My sobs turned to giggles, then into harsh laughs. I hugged the baby close to my chest tightly. I stood up with her in my arms and lay her down on an 'operating table' in the corner. 

(This is the torture room that I mentioned in CH 11 with Casey and Himiko)

I ripped the cabinet doors off of their hinges and threw them across the room into the other wall, leaving a dark hole in the drywall. 

I snatched the first knife I saw and drove it into the wall over and over. I was screaming with rage, sweat beading my forehead and tears still blinding me. I whirled around and threw in towards the wall. It didn't stick. It banged off the wall and clattered to the floor. I lunged at the cabinet again, ripping old whiskey bottles and various chemical containers out of it and smashing them on the ground at my feet. The baby. The baby, the poor innocent child who had never seen the beauty of the hero world. Who I could have saved. I should have done something.

The door flew open again and my father rushed into the room. I whipped around, and on seeing him I bent down and picked up a broken shard of glass. I cut myself on accident and I clutched my head as a severe pain drove its way through my skull. I fell to the ground, unconscious.


HEYO! SO sorry it took so long to get this chapter out, its been really hard writing. We've been moving, I just can't write when I'm depressed, etc~ Thanks for being patient!

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