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If someone had told Jane just five weeks ago, that she would be leaving Santa Barbara, she would have laughed at them. But fate has an interesting take on our lives and we don't always have to like it.

She grew up with a single mom that had a few failed relationships. One can imagine the fights she witnessed or the childhood she had. The example she was given in life taught her to be smart in love and choose carefully. Jane graduated high school and moved to college, in the household of "dad" #5, and surprisingly they are still together. She didn't mind, Ben she actually liked. He was kind to her and her mom and you could see from a mile away he loved her mom.

During her first days in collage Jane met a sweet and quiet guy, who she fell in love with. They moved in together in their second year, and everything was perfect. Once she had had her undergrad degree she started working on her MBA. James was really supportive and understanding. If she wasn't at school she was at work. Jane started her first job as an accountant in James dad's CPA company. They both did their internships there and were offered jobs once they had graduated. James was moving up as it was expected. He had to take over the company someday and he was trying to learn as much as he could. They would spend the evenings together, go out to dinners, movies, hang out with friends. Their lives seemed to be perfect. Everything was planned; there was no room for fighting since they were both on the same page.

On the day of Jane's graduation she was expecting a proposal, just like every other girl would from the love of her life and her live-in boyfriend of almost five years. Instead, she went home to change from work for the ceremony and found her boyfriend between his secretary's legs, fucking her on their dining table.

The feeling cannot be described to anyone that has not been through it before. Her reaction was self-explanatory - she tossed her keys at them, to let them know she was there, she told him she would be back in more convenient time for him with someone for her things, and then left. To make matters worse, you guessed it, not only did they work for the same company, but they had the same circle of friends, and of course they had bought the house they were living in.

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