Chapter 12

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The team left Nick's office shortly after. Jane tried to leave, but one thing led to another and by the time she was done with her work it was almost 6:30pm. She was getting ready to leave, when someone slammed the door of her office making her jump out of her chair.

"What the hell? How can I help you Mr. Henderson, is there something wrong? - She sat down again and took a deep breath, her heart was going to explode, she tried to tell herself it was only due to the fact that he slammed the door so loud and not because of the way he looked and the memories from last night.

"I came to see if it's true. Did you really dump my brother for someone else and just pretend like nothing was happening the whole day? He was like a puppy this morning near you!!!!" he closed the door and stood in front of her desk, leaned over and put his hands on top of it.

"What? Your brother? What are you talking about? I didn't dump your brother; we are friends and he is my boss."

"Why are you still playing this game, what are you looking for, more money, is that it? Who is the new guy, is he richer, is that why you broke my brother's heart?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Jane got up from her chair and tried to put her jacket on- "And what money, why do you keep talking about and offering money to me, do you think I am a hooker?" it was a joke, but when she looked at him, he wasn't laughing.

"No, just a gold-digger who is after my brother's money" He came close to her, very close, her mind got blurred. First, Jane was in shock because of his statement, but then she got angry.

"How dare you? Your brother and I are just friends! Are you talking about Jen?"

"Who's Jen?"- He looked confused.

"Jen, your brother's girlfriend, I guess ex now... oh, hold on, you thought I was his girlfriend and I was with him for his money. I cannot believe you would think that of me, you don't even know me."

"So there is nothing between you and my brother?" Nick's mind was stuck on one thought only! She is not Rob's, she is not Rob's, oh my... "What was all that in the elevator then, I thought you knew who I was and you tried to get to me."

"OMG, you came on to me, you arrogant prick, and you were the one who kissed me, not the other way around."- She was poking her finger at him and he stepped back in surprise, but when he realized what he was doing he stood his ground. She was insulting him, but the only thing that mattered was that she was not Rob's and she was a fair game.

"Yes, but you responded to my kiss" his lips were almost touching hers now. They were both breathing heavily and looking at each other's eyes.

"No, I didn't...I didn't feel anything but disgust, remember I even slapped you."

"Really?" That was all he said with a devilish smile, before he leaned over and kissed her again. Jane forgot what she was about to say. His kiss was painful, demanding, it almost matched her need for his lips. They couldn't get close enough. Jane lifted her hands and touched his hair - his silky, soft, black hair. She had dreamed about that kiss last night. The dream was so real, she actually came. And his kiss was a promise for even better reality. He had her by the wall now. His hands were all over her body, he lifted her skirt, lifted her up, just like in the elevator, but this time she had only a very fine, almost nonexistent piece of fabric protecting her womanhood from him. Jane responded to his kiss with her built up hunger and couldn't stop touching him. She knew it was wrong, she knew they shouldn't be doing that:

"We... can't... do that" it was hard for her to form a sentence; he gently kissed her neck and moved his lips to her right ear.

"Yes, we can, look at yourself... you are ready for me, I can feel it... you are so receptive to my touch's driving me crazy."

He moved his right hand between her legs, while he was holding her up with his left, and slid his finger under her underwear. When he touched her skin, she couldn't stop the moan that came out of her mouth. So, he kissed her and continued with his caresses.

"You are so wet, I want to eat you up, but I will have to wait until we get home. I want to hear you scream my name when I do that or when I have you come hard on top of my dick" his words were so vulgar, but he was whispering them in her ear like a love poem, while sliding his fingers deep inside her. She couldn't believe how hot that was.

"I, ooh... don't stop, just like that" Jane could feel her orgasm building up and couldn't stop it. "Faster, don't stop" Her moans were getting louder by the second and he kissed her to silence them. Jane came so hard, she bit him. She was happy he didn't move for a while, their hearts were racing, both breathing really fast and she could taste his blood on her lips when she tried to get them wet. The pleasure she received from him was scaring her. He was really good and the way he made her feel with just his hand and lips was surprising for her. She had never experienced such pleasure before and the thought there is much more he can introduce her to, was really frightening. If she ever went that way, there was no going back. She had to stop that. Jane looked at him and he smiled. He was so pleased with himself. Why was it so easy for him to take control and make her forget about everything else? She pushed him away.

"This..." Jane moved her hand between them, and once she could speak again, after she had fixed her skirt and hair, she continued "...will never happen again. I will not be the cliché who sleeps with her boss. This was a mistake."

"I wouldn't call it a mistake" he sucked her juices from his fingers with a moan "The way you respond to me is definitely not a mistake." The smirk on his face was pissing her off. Who did he think he was? She was not becoming one of his conquests.

"Yes, it is, I do not like you or want you, it felt good I will admit that, but nothing too special. So, I will bid you good night and ask you to forget it ever happened, I know I will", she grabbed her purse and left the office as fast as she could.

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