Chapter 16

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Jane walked in the apartment Sunday afternoon prepared for the next time she would see him. She would stay away from Nick and just do her job. Eventually everything would go back to normal, he would find someone to occupy his mind and his bed and she would be free of his attention. And even if that made her really sad, it was better for everyone. Monday morning Nick was the first person she saw, when she walked out of the elevator. There and then she realized her plans were about to burst, because the increased pulse combined with the fact she forgot to breath told her that she was hopelessly in love with him. She kept herself busy with work and every time she saw him coming in the hallway and into his office she would walk in the other direction. She would go to work at the last possible moment so she wouldn't see him in the building and after work she would go out with Rachel and Rob and get back as late as possible so she didn't run into him. He stayed away from her as well, he got the message, but Jane couldn't help being disappointed. It looked like she wasn't worth the trouble or his time.

43 days had passed since the last time they had been in a room together. 43 very miserable days of working, going out and drinking with almost no sleep and doing it all over again the next day. She knew that it was just stupid what she was doing and all the drinking in the world would not change the fact that he had already moved on and was not interested. But as her mom had said her twenties were to make mistakes and hopefully, she could learn from them one day.

Rob's team was in a team meeting when Nick walked in to talk to Rob. He saw Jane and didn't even blink, just ignored her completely, and talked to everybody else but her. Screw you Nick. I am over you; it's all Jane wanted to say, knowing it wasn't true. She was so upset she didn't see Rob looking at her. He had a knowing smile on and kept looking at both of them. Once the meeting was over Rob went into his dad's office.

"You are good!"

"What are you talking about, Rob?"

"Oh, nothing, just Jane and Nick!" Rob smiled at his dad, who tried first to play it cool, but then gave up:

"So, is it working?"

"You can say that, they don't know it yet, but there is something in the making there. They have been running in the opposite direction every time they see each other ever since she came back from Santa Barbara."

"How did you know it was me?"

"Now dad, I just play dumb" Rob was laughing "I had work to do at the employee's building and found out Jane's apartment was ready the week after she had moved from Cali, it made me question why you kept her at the Alfa building. For a second I thought she was your mistress, but then you were still alive, mom would have killed you a long time ago. Then Nick's mood got so much better for no apparent reason once he came back. The day she left he was yelling at everyone an it looked like he was ready to murder someone. They have both been miserable since she came back, pretending that everything is peachy. And now you have to be blind not to see something is happening, when you are around them. I hang out with Jane and her friend every night in the bar across her building, drinking. That is not like her at all and Nick has been with a shorter fuse than usual."

"But they are not together yet?"

"No, but I can probably help with that" Rob got up to leave, but stopped at the door! "I am not ready to meet my special one dad, so don't send her yet!" he looked at his dad with a smile that said more than his words and left.

Michael Henderson was proud of both of his sons and wanted them to be happy. He was hoping he could see both of them find their true happiness.

Once Rob had left his dad's office, he went to Jane's. It was almost lunch time, so she should be able to talk.

"Hey Jane, how's your day so far?"

"Good, busy, what's up?"

"I know it's a last-minute thing, but I have a friend of mine that is coming to town this weekend and I promised I would meet with him tonight, but I need to fly to Boston by 6 tonight. I have a business dinner there at 8 for the project there." - Jane was making a face and he continued- "And before you say no, I want to assure you he is a great guy, and I am not trying to set you up. His name is Frank and he is not looking for anything, just drinks with friends."

"I don't feel like going out with strangers, maybe you should ask Rachel and I can spend the night at home for a change."

"Please, I actually asked her first, but she said she had a hangover from last night and was planning to blow us off tonight either way. I didn't know I would have to go or I wouldn't tell him I can hang out, please!" Jane felt bad for Rob, plus she needed a distraction.

"OK, I can meet him, as long as you promise you are not trying to set me up with him."

"I promise you; I am not trying to set you up with Frank. If you need anything and I mean anything, I am your guy."

"Oh, tell him to call me before 6" She told him that as Rob was leaving her office.

Rob had waited till Jane was done and left for the day before he went into his brother's office.

"Hey big brother, what are you up to tonight, do you want to hang out? I was planning on going out with Jane for a couple of drinks, but she has a date and I will be all by myself."

"What do you mean she has a date? Who is he? Do you know him?"- Oh yes, he definitely liked her, Rob couldn't believe he didn't see that coming and his dad did.

"Oh, yes, it's Frank, my college friend. The fun one!" and he wiggled his eyebrows a few times while laughing.

"The-one-night-stand Frank?! Why would you set her up with him?" Nick was breathing fire.

"She said she needed to have some fun and asked whether I knew of someone. I thought of Frank, who is in town for a conference." And he shrugged innocently, pretending he wasn't seeing his brother's reaction to the news.

"Rob, I am sorry but I have a previous commitment, maybe tomorrow?" Nick looked at his brother and mumbled something before he got his jacket and left.

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