Chapter 5

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The hours were dragging on Jane's first day back from her so-called vacation. She didn't want to face James and with no answer from Henderson and Sons she was getting very disappointed in herself. How could she break down like that and during an interview of all places and times?! Her self-control was usually spot on. Jane was soaking in her misery when she saw she had a new e-mail. Surprisingly, it was from Mr. Henderson himself. She received a job offer with a replacement package and a sign-up bonus if she was to start right away. In addition to that she could also use a company car in case she needed one. It took her 5 seconds to reply yes after she had read the e-mail with her job offer. Jane knew it was crazy, but she had to learn from the way she was feeling, when she thought she had flunked the interview. It was exactly what she needed. Jane got up from her desk and went to HR to give them her 2 weeks' notice. Now she was ready to face James. Walked in his office and saw his secretary, whose face turned red right away.

"Hi Dory, is James in? Who am I kidding? Of course he is... if you are here" she smiled at her.

"Y-y-yes he is in, let me tell him you are here."

"No need, I will let him know myself" and Jane opened his door.

"Hi James, we need to talk" she walked to his desk and stood right in front of it without sitting down.

"Jane, hi, yes please, we need to talk, I wanted to talk to you and you haven't been answering my calls or my txts and..."

"Let me stop you right there. I hope I was clear when I came to pick up my things from our place the other day, I am done and there is nothing you can say or do to change my mind. So instead of all this, let's talk about the house. I want us to sell it. I got a job offer in NYC and I am moving. I gave HR my 2 weeks' notice right before I came in here."

He was stunned.

"What...? Don't be absurd, you are not going anywhere, you can't. We are just going through a rough patch. We are not selling the house; we will create a family there together. That's what I wanted to talk to you about..." He was walking towards her and she couldn't stop the laugh that came out of her mouth, but it did stop him.

"I think we are done here...Rough patch? It's not a rough patch when you have your dick in someone else's pussy! Don't even think of coming closer to me. You are a disgusting pig and just the thought of you touching me could make me vomit."

With that Jane walked out of James' office and out of his life. The man she loved was gone; there was no pain, no regret, nothing. Could it have been a lie all these years?

The next day she got a call from the recruiter in NYC.

"Hey Jane, this is Rachel White. I will be helping you out once you arrive in the city."

"Hi Rachel, nice to meet you."

"I want to bring you up to speed on some of the things that are going on over here, so you would be prepared."

" sounds like there is some trouble there" Jane said with a smile in her voice, but was hoping for the best possible outcome. She had just dropped everything and really needed it to be worth it.

"Oh, no, no need to worry, everything is great here. Henderson and Sons is expecting you and you are moving. It's just that, the building you will be living in is still under remodeling and you will have to live in a temporary residence. Henderson and Sons will pay for storage, should you need it of course, but you will have everything you need in your temporary place."

"That's it? I am fine with that. It'll give me some time to get to know the city better and not to worry about unpacking."

"I am glad you look at it that way!"

"Of course, any other good news you would like to share with me?" and they both laughed at the joke she made.

"Only that I have you booked on the flight for Thursday, it'll give you the weekend to rest and you will be ready for work on Monday."

"Oh, I thought I will be starting in the beginning of the month?" Jane was surprised they wanted her to start so soon.

"Mr. Henderson e-mailed me today. He will be expecting you Monday morning at 8am in his office."

"Ok, if that's what the boss wants, who am I to disagree", Jane said with a smile and again they both laughed.

"I think we will get along pretty well, Jane. Once you move here, I'll take you out to celebrate."

"That sounds great, I'll hold you to it, I don't know anybody in New York."

"I am sure with your smarts and wits you will have your share of friends in no time, my dear" they both laughed again, said their goodbyes and hung up.

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