Chapter 7

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Jane felt like she was talking to a friend around Mr. Henderson. He was so well mannered and calm, it made her feel calm. It was peaceful around him. It was easy to put your guard down, no wonder she told him everything during her first interview with him. He looked more like a concern father than the boss.

Rob walked in and smiled at Jane and shook her hand.

"Good Morning, Ms. Peterson, I presume."

"Good Morning, yes, but please call me Jane if you don't mind."

"I would prefer it and please call me Rob"- he had a devilish smile on, she could see he was a player and he didn't try to hide it. He was still holding her hand when he walked to the sofa. "Now let's talk about you a little."

"Rob, if you don't mind I would rather you show her around the office, introduce her to the team and then maybe take her out to lunch, so you can get to know each other?"

"That's a great idea dad, let's go, you will love it here.

"Thank you, Rob. I am ready"- they were outside of Michael's office "Where to first?" Jane asked with a smile.

"Let me show you your office, it is right over here, next to Nick's. Nick is the CEO; he is on the ground at the moment. I will introduce you to him once he gets back"

"I thought Mr. Henderson is the CEO?" she looked at him questioning the information he just gave her.

"Not anymore, my dad still works in the executive office, he is the chairman, but he comes and goes everyday with no concrete work hours. He can be running the company in one moment and leave without notice the next. My mom would kill him and hide the body if he comes back full time. If you think he is the boss you are mistaken, wait till you meet my mom!" he was laughing when they went to her office. She dropped off her purse, and they continued the tour." Ok, let me tell you a little about what we do here. We have been in the business of managing properties for a really long time, but a few years back when Nick took the lead, we opened a new division- real estate. From beginning to end. We could start from an empty lot or an old building. As long as it's worth it to us, the customers and the environment, we would take on it. Some we sold, some we kept. That's where the teams come in. Instead of hiding us in cubicles Nick and my dad came up with the idea to split us into teams. Each team is equipped with the right specialist based on the projects we work on, usually a PR or a marketing person, an accountant or an analyst, a realtor, a business development person and an architect. Once we get the numbers right the project is being presented to our business development team, after that it goes to Nick or my dad for approval and if it's a green light, it goes to our team of architects. It's been a pretty smooth operation so far. We have projects all over North America, it's really exciting."

She could see he was very proud of what he was doing. And the way he talked about his brother; he was definitely idolizing him. The job did sound interesting and Jane couldn't wait to have a look on the inside.

"OK, where is the team? I want to meet them." She smiled at him and he looked at her a little embarrassed.

"About the team, I have to warn you, the boys talk a lot of game, but they are harmless, arrogant, but harmless, I promise you. Let's continue the tour and we will finish it with them."

He showed her around the office, introduced her to the employees they came in contact with and they went to the meeting room next to his office.

"The boys" as he called them were already there, they were in their late twenties, early thirties and they were arrogant, but in a good way. They knew what they were talking about and dished as much as they eat. Mark, Ben, John and Sam, all four of them were number one in their schools and were handpicked by Michael Henderson. They were strong-minded and had a full-on discussion about every aspect of their projects, which worked well for the team, because apparently, Jane would be working for the number one team in the company. It was kind of intimidating, but she was not one to scare easily.

They were working on a project in Hartford, CT, an upscale housing development in an up and coming area. They dove in right away and by the time Jane realized it, it was lunchtime. She offered to stay in to continue working, but they all insisted they should go out and celebrate her first day at work. At lunch they joked around, the boys talked about their first days and how the team had come together. They also talked about where they all came from. Jane found out Mark, Ben and John were married, Sam was engaged and Rob was with a new girlfriend that might be "the one". When he said that everyone started laughing, apparently, he said that about all of his girlfriends. Jane told them that she was single with a desire to stay that way and they continued talking about John's upcoming birthday party on Saturday. He invited them all with plus one and she was excited she would meet the wives of her coworkers. They finished with lunch and went back to the office. After Jane managed to stand her position on a few things on the project she knew she would like the job. By the end of the day she knew she was accepted.

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