Chapter 4

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The Henderson brothers were the perfect combination of power and charms.

Nick was 6 foot 4, with dark brown hair, almost black, lean athletic body; his blue eyes were so light they almost looked grey. Always with something on his mind, you would rarely see a smile on his face. He didn't do relationships; he didn't need one. Nick didn't see what he could gain from a relationship, maybe one day when he needs to have an heir, but for now he was perfectly fine with dating models and actresses. They were the ones throwing themselves at him, the perks of having money and the sex was always good. By the second date he was done and he was famous for that. The women he went out with knew exactly what to expect from him and nothing more. He was really happy with his life.

Rob, on the other hand, would find something to smile about in every situation and was the heart of the company. He was the fun one, there was no doubt in that, and he had plenty of conquests to prove it. With his 6 foot 3, brown hair, devilish blue eyes and a smile able to stop traffic (same build as his brother, but 6 years younger), he was the handsome one. They were really close and worked together very well, which made their father happy. When Michael Henderson stepped down and allowed Nick to take over the company, while Rob was helping him out, he knew he was leaving his legacy in the right hands. They were different like night and day, but that worked in their favor.

Both brothers traveled a lot for their work. They had projects all over North America. Nick was the one that stayed usually close to the home office, being the CEO. He was always the first one in and the last one out.

"You need to be more careful with the advertisement next time. Yes, it worked this time, but it was pure luck and you know we do not rely on luck here; we work with facts and numbers only." Nick was in the office and in the middle of an issue with one of his projects.

"Yes Mr. Henderson, you are right, it happened by sheer luck, but also that's what the customer wanted. I had to make sure I listened to them."

"John, I think we understand each other very well and I don't have to repeat myself."

Nick walked out of the meeting room and walked into his office. "Bethany, have you seen my brother yet? Is he back?"

"No Mr. Henderson, I don't think he has landed yet. I will call the airport and let you know." She said that while dialing the airport.

"No need, I'll call him from my cell, I thought he should be here by now." He dialed his brother's number. "Where did you disappear again?"

"Oh, big brother, I am in love, she is amazing, and I will tell you all about her next week, when I get back."

"You were supposed to be back 2 hours ago."

"I know, I know, but I cannot just leave her here, work is done, we are all good in LA, now it's time for me to relax and enjoy life. We will talk when I see you next week."

"It'll not be next week, I am leaving for Boston tonight, Toronto after that, and I'll be back on the 28th. I'll see you then." Nick hung up the phone with a smile, not surprised his brother had found someone, as a matter of fact every few weeks he would be "in love". And let's face it, it was LA, angels were everywhere.

Which made him think of his Sonya. He had lunch with a beautiful supermodel and after that he was going to check on the Boston project. It looked like he would have to visit this site as well on his way to the Toronto site. He took a deep breath and released it. It seemed the harder he worked, the more work he had to do and he loved it, but lately something had been missing. The usual fun activities were not as fun as they used to be, the travel was not a blessing anymore... OK, boy, now, he needed to stop that, Sonya was waiting and after a few hours with her, he'd be back in his usual mood.

He wasn't an asshole; he was just a realist, a new woman every week, a few photos, the fun life of being in the spotlight. But he was always honest with them, few fun hours with him in bed, meal here and there, publicity for them and that's it, nothing more. It was easier than the alternative, he tried it once and she turned out to be a gold-digger. Women wanted only 2 things from him: to spend his money or to be seen with him and he felt obliged to give them what they wanted.

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