Chapter 8

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The hours turned into days, the days into weeks. Jane knew this was her dream job. Extremely challenging, but satisfying at the end, when the project got approved. They went out to celebrate with the boys and their better halves. Rob brought his girlfriend and everyone thought things were really getting serious between them. They had been together for more than a month and that was definitely not like him.

On her way home Jane had almost reached the Alfa building when Amy called her.

"Hey you, how are you? Did you get your first project approved?"

"Oh Amy, it was perfect." She talked to Amy almost every day and although she didn't give her any details, she talked to her about work sometimes. "We got the green light and the architect has something in mind already. I am so happy; I feel exhausted but really happy."

They talked for a while and laughed and then Amy got serious.

"I hope you don't get mad at me, but I did something."

"OK, what is it?"

"When I went to the house today with the realtor, I couldn't help but mess with James, he is such an asshole. Dory was there and he didn't even try to hide her. One thing led to another and I told him that you met someone and he is richer and more powerful than him."

They had both laughed at that and had continued joking when she got another call. She looked at her phone and it was James.

"Speaking of the devil... he is calling me right now, I'll call you tomorrow, ok?"

"OK, don't be nice!"

"You know it"- she swapped calls and answered James's call. "Hello James, why are you calling me?"

"I wanted to talk to you about the house."

"OK, what about it?"

"I am not signing the closing papers."

"Yes, you will"

"NO, I will not, I want to keep the house for us, I want to make sure you have a place where you can come back to, once you are done with the craziness that has consumed you! You want to come back, I know that, I am not mad, just come back home to me!"

"You have got to be kidding me, you are full of yourself"

"No, I am not, I know you want me!"

"Oh, James, I have told you already, the only thing I want from you is money, I am not coming back and I am sick of all this. It's just pathetic. Like Amy told you, I met someone and he is better than you and I need you to stop pretending you miss me, Amy told me Dory was there. I know everything and I don't care. I have moved on I don't understand why you don't get it. Goodbye James. Don't call me anymore. We are selling the house ASAP."

By the time she was done with the conversation she had already reached her apartment. She had been so upset with James she didn't realize she had walked through the lobby, had entered the elevator, had gotten off her floor and had opened the door, without noticing the guy who had followed her with his eyes until she disappeared in her apartment.

Nick was astounded, so that was Rob's new girlfriend, another gold-digger who thought she could play games with the Henderson family. Not this time, he would protect his brother and the family.

He had to admit, he was bothered to find out she was his brother's girlfriend, and the swelling in his pants did not like it at all. He didn't see her at first, he heard her laugh when he was coming out of his car and he got hard instantly, what was that all about, it had never happened before. He got closer to her when she started walking into his building, thinking he should introduce himself once she was off her phone, but she got another call and that's when he saw her for what she was, a gold-digger. He couldn't hear the whole conversation but he heard enough. "... The only thing I want from you is money... I am not coming back... pathetic.... I met someone and he is better... I have moved on... don't call me anymore" and she walked into Rob's apartment.

He almost rung the bell after her, but he knew if he confronted her, she would play it off as misunderstanding. He needed proof and he would have it. His body was still tensed, he felt like a teenager eager to please and way too fast to react to her presence. His dick didn't get the memo that she was his brother's girlfriend and gold-digger or not, he never went that road. It had to be the fact that he hadn't been with anyone after Sonya. He went into his apartment, took a cold shower and then went into his office. He had plenty of work that was waiting for him. He talked to his dad 3-4 times a day and he was caught up on all projects. Dad was praising Rob's team almost every day, and he had to agree, once he saw the Harford propositions, it looked like he had the team back in action. And Rob, he had to talk to him and tell him about the phone call he had witnessed. Tomorrow morning, he would talk to Rob in the office, far away from her.

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