Chapter 6

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"I will be using your apartment at the Alfa building for a temporary home for a new employee."

"Good morning to you too, dad"- Rob was joking with his dad.

"You don't use it anymore and the employees' building is being remodeled. She is coming from the west coast on Thursday and I need to put her up somewhere."

"Oh, did you say SHE, tell her the apartment comes with a roommate. Who is she?"

"She is actually part of your team; she is your accountant. Jane is a very good girl with a couple of years of experience and a brand-new MBA degree. She is also very beautiful and funny, and kind. And..."

"Hold on, hold on dad, are you trying to set me up? You know I have a girlfriend, right?"

"I would never... and since when do you have a girlfriend?"

"It's been two weeks already. She moved here from LA. I think she is the one."

"I can imagine. You know we want to meet her, when are you going to introduce her to your mom?"

"I don't think we are ready yet, dad, but soon."

"Whenever you feel comfortable, you know we are here for you. Now let's go back to Jane. I will need you to show her around, I want her to get a feel for the company; she will be a great addition to the team. I have given you your boys and they better behave."

"Dad, you know they will, but they are intense some times, are you sure this person can handle it?"

"Yes Rob, I wouldn't hire her if I didn't think she could. I will need you to meet her on Monday morning at 8 in my office and take over after that. Her office will be the small one next to Nick's, the one we are using for storage right now. I'll have it ready for her.

They talked a little longer about work and hung up. Michael was happy with the outcome of their conversation. The plan was coming along.

Jane's temporary home was great. It was a 12-story building on the east side right next to a small park. Her condo was on the 10th floor and it was looking over the East river. She knew it was temporarily, but she loved it with all its dark grey colors, silver, and white and dark wood. It looked like someone's bachelor pad. She spent her first days in the neighborhood and on Sunday she went out for coffee with Rachel. Jane knew they would become friends, the moment she saw her. After a few hours of being shown the ins and outs of the city, Jane went home to get ready for the next day.

Monday morning, she walked in the Henderson and Sons's building again and introduced herself to the security, who gave her an employee badge and sent her to the 18th floor to meet with Mr. Henderson. Jane walked out of the elevator and was greeted by a smiley face.

"Good morning, welcome to Henderson and Sons. My name is Jessica. How can I help you?"

"Good morning, Jessica, my name is Jane Peterson, it's my first day, but I was also told Mr. Henderson will be expecting me at 8 am in his office." And Jane smiled back at her genuine smile.

"Mr. Henderson, I didn't see your name on his schedule today. He is back just for the day from Toronto and leaving tomorrow for Seattle, are you sure about your appointment?" she was looking at the schedule and wasn't happy, but then she smiled "Oh, I see your name on Mr. Henderson's list. Michael Henderson. Let me see if he is here."

Jane was a little confused by what she was saying, but that was the moment when the elevator doors opened and Michael Henderson walked in.

"Good morning Jessica, good morning Jane, you are early, perfect, follow me" he looked like he was in a hurry and Jane looked at Jessica and followed him to his office.

"Good Morning Mr. Henderson. I wasn't sure how long it'll take me to walk to work, so I left early, plus I don't mind having an early start" Jane told him as he was closing the door behind her.

"Sit my dear, sit. How are you feeling? Are you better? The last time I saw you, you were having a hard time with your broken relationship." He looked very concern.

"Oh, not the relationship, I was having hard time with his betrayal." She smiled reservedly at him "I am doing much better now and partly thanks to your job offer."

"I am very happy you are better. Let me know if there is anything you need!"

"Thank you, Mr. Henderson,"

"How do you like New York so far?"

"Oh, it is wonderful, you will not hear me complain, I love it" they both laughed.

"And the apartment, how do you like it?" he asked.

"Yes, the apartment..." She made this disgusted face "... I hate it..." She just couldn't keep up with that and started laughing ".... the building is so beautiful, don't get me started on the view and the park across the street, it is so peaceful. I cannot thank you enough, I know it's just for a little bit, but it's just the thing I need for my first weeks in the city.

"Good, good. You might have to stay in there longer than we were planning in the beginning, our employees' building is still under renovation and it'll be a while before it's ready for you. But I am hoping you will be comfortable in our partners' building until then."

"Oh of course, just let me know when, I am in no rush."

"Great, now let's get down to business. I called you here today, because you will be working on special projects, we have the team ready, we were just missing the accountant. It will be different from what you have been doing. But you will enjoy it. I saw on your resume that you just got your MBA" Jane just nodded and he continued "we need someone like you, who has experience in accounting with an MBA, but without all the bad habits that come with years of experience. In that way we can mold you to our needs." He laughed and looked at her.

"I appreciate the opportunity you are giving me Mr. Henderson; I will be up to speed in no time and will do my best not to disappoint you. Am I starting today?"

"First, let me tell you that I am sure you will not disappoint me and second yes, you are starting today, you will be working with my son Robert, he will be your project manager. He should be coming in shortly."

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