Hi, I'm Oscar.

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Let me help you best picture who I am. I'm that guy who always seems to be happy for no reason. Why is this fucker smiling? I don't even know who you are but i'm just so happy you came into my store to buy a cup of coffee. Next thing you're just venting to me about that stupid ass who hit your car in the parking lot. You're then thinking why am I even talking to this guy, just give me my damn coffee you little bitch... I go on to ask you if you chased them down or at least got their plate number if not so we can go hunt them down because I'm actually devoted to your story. Not that common these days. Then for the next few months you decide to be a regular because the only person interested in having full on conversations with you about anything at any time of day is that guy who works at the coffee shop next to your job.
   You ask me how my day is going and I reply with "Can't complain, another day alive!" or something like "I TOOK 9 SHOTS OF ESPRESSO, IM SO EXCITED FOR TODAY, YOU HAVE NO IDEA!". You start to come to your senses that this guy will always give off good energy and be happy FOR NO FUCKING REASON because it's who he is. I say that's true enough though because who you are a lot of the time people tend to believe is how you're raised or what you went through. I wasn't given much reason at all in my life to be some happy fuck, in fact I'm shocked I never pulled a Britney Spears and shaved my hair off. I give myself reason to smile just because i'm here today and like to see everything in a different light. Only I have the power to make my present and my future.

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