I'm ok.

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   I learn something everyday. Some messages bigger than others. After that night I stopped drinking for a while but I eventually found my way back one day because I'm stupid. This time I got cross faded because Gerson offered me some weed while I was wasted. I had no idea how Gerson managed to get me home but when I went inside my room I started peeing like I was at a urinal. All over the floor. I was so disgusted in the morning an I soon realized. I can't be by myself for too long, I wasn't ready. I moved back in with my aunt and uncle and i'm ok. I liked it better this way and they felt much better with me there as well. I still hang out with Gerson and also Javier. I was even introduced to plenty more friends and everyone els got a turn to blackout. Sometimes you have to experience things and that's ok. I don't have anymore plans to relive these situations again but I'm barely getting to twenty-two so like my friend Javier tells me these days. We'll see pendeja.

Written while in the 2020 Quarantine.

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