I'm taken.

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So I'm home hanging out with my cousins Tatiana and Berta. They are twins a year older than me, I've always been close with them. Usually If I ever spent time with family it was always them. They at the time started to get curious who I spend my time with most of the time so I compromised like I do and told them about my new girlfriend. I show them pictures of her and they are super impressed. It was a random girl I found on my instagram. I would head outside to talk to Ron on the phone but always kept it to myself. To my cousins I'm dating some girl named Lisette. That little white lie didn't go far when they finally decided to come up to me and asking why I was showing them pictures of our cousin we barely talk to. "WHAT?!" I scream in complete shock. This whole time i've been telling them that our cousin was my girlfriend. This proves we need to talk to our family more. I show them Ron and I invite him over, they love him. He's very nonchalant around my family and I like that about him. They brought him the pet bird of the house and even the damn bird was like KEEP HIM YO! I was definitely on page with it. My aunt and uncle liked him as well, though they kept calling him my "Amigo" even though they knew he was definitely more than a friend, might be a mexican thing but that didn't effect anything.
We decided to head again to Sacramento and I kept the same "He's my Coworkers older brother" bullshit. That didn't really last long when I saw my little sister drawing with Ron and she decided to draw a beautiful picture of her big brother Angel with a girlfriend. I felt like that ruined the whole moment of him and her drawing together so I walked out to my mom who was smoking a cigarette in the garage. "Mom so you like Ron right? He's cool." I ask her. "We love him! He's technically family already!" she says. "Well he's my boyfriend." I tell her. She stared at me in such relief to finally see me say it. "I always knew it since you were a kid! You would even swing your legs up the whole time!" she went on. I was like "Ok that's enough." and she begins to tell me that to not feel the need to speak it to my dad because they already discussed it themselves and it wasn't pretty. He actually found out with some home security system he had installed that when nobody was home and we arrived and made out in the kitchen for 20 minutes, it was all on camera. My mom told me that he wasn't happy but she threatened to kick him out of the house. She said she would rather him not be welcomed in this home before I'd ever get to feel not welcomed here again. I was happy to hear my mom defending me but let's just say home security system no longer exists. I walk back in and talk to my little sister and my brother. My brother was like "alright cool I guess..", he didn't think it was serious enough to mention because it's my lifestyle and my sister was still too young to understand but she kept drawing with him.

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