Prologue: Guerrier Errant

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Cher Journal...

Oh how it has been forever since I last wrote in this thing... War can do things like that to you. I'm writing this just to have a little something to look back on, should I ever find the time to find you again...

France is slowly beginning to be liberated from Axis control, the efforts of the allies are finally beginning to shine through, and my battle experience will finally mean something after all. I've been drifting all over the place, not quite sure where was home. I've fought both for the Iris Libre and the Vichya Dominion, and I have taken down friends and foes alike. Nonetheless I am still a well respected member of the French Navy as a whole, both free and Vichy. I just hope that one day, when the seas are calm once more, I can find a more permanent purpose in the navy. Perhaps a position as commander is something I should be looking and working towards after all...


June 12th, 1944

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