Cuteness On Top Of Cuteness

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After Jacque was escorted into the common room by a humbled Jean Bart, Unicorn slowly walks over to him.

"Hm? What is it Unicorn?" Jacque asks.

"I... I can heal people if they get hurt." Unicorn replies.

"You can?" Richelieu asks.

"Oh just watch and learn, it's truly amazing!" Illustrious replies as Unicorn lets go of her alicorn plush and it begins prancing around her feet as if it were alive. The petite carrier then claps her hands together before she begins channeling a strange white light into one of her palms.

"...Please let go of your nose." Unicorn says, and Jacque obliges as Unicorn then proceeds to wave the white light over Jacque's face. In a matter of seconds the damage done to Jacque's nose is healed, and when the light finally fades out it looks like the entire door incident had never happened.

"That is the stuff of miracles I tell you!" Illustrious giggles.

"Thanks Unicorn, I needed that." Jacque chuckles as he sits up and pats her head. Suddenly Unicorn collapses into his lap, unresponsive, and Illustrious looks at her worriedly. "Unicorn? What happened?"

"That healing takes a lot out of her." Illustrious replies. "And it's been a long while since she's last had to use that. She'll probably be out for a few minutes."

"Well at least I know she's all right." Jacque chuckles. "I'll keep her company then, why don't you entertain them Andre?"

"Me? You know I'm terrible at that kind of stuff!" Andre whines.

"If you can't do that, then can you at least fetch my flute for me then? I don't want to knock Unicorn over." Jacque asks.

"All right." Andre replies as he goes off to do that.

"So Illustrious, you just wanted to see what was going on here?" Jacque asks.

"Pretty much. We're practically neighbors after all." Illustrious replies.

"That part's pretty true." Richelieu says as Andre returns with Jacque's flute case.

"So anything interesting going on where you are?" Jacque asks Illustrious.

"Nothing to write home about really." Illustrious replies. "Just simply enjoying the newfound peace and the lack of siren presence."

"We're enjoying it here as well, to the best of our ability that is." Jacque says. "I haven't really picked a side to command, and well... To put it lightly they're fighting over me."

"Well that's because you're too indecisive." Andre says.

"Shut up." Jacque chuckles as he assembles his flute. "Maybe if I play a little tune for little Unicorn here, she'll wake up."

"You play the flute?" Illustrious asks.

"Sometimes I'll walk by and hear him play, it's almost hypnotizing how good he is." Richelieu replies as Jacque begins playing. It's a very light tune, and unlike the more somber one's he's played this one is more enchanting, as if he had learned it from a princess whose home was in a faraway land that was unknown to many.

"It's so beautiful..." Illustrious says, losing herself in the tune. Eventually Jacque stops playing and Unicorn is slowly roused from her unresponsive slumber. "Oh Unicorn, you're awake!"

"I think it worked." Jacque chuckles.

"Huh? ...What happened?" Unicorn asks as she slowly looks up to Jacque.

"You were healing me, and then you passed out." Jacque replies. "I'm just glad you're okay though."

"I heard flute music, was that you?" Unicorn asks. Jacque proceeds to answer her question by playing that same tune once again. "Wow..."

"He's been playing for a long time." Andre replies. "He's entertained me with a lot of songs." And Jacque nods his head as he stops playing for a moment.

"Well, we could lounge about in the common room all we want, but I think we could use something sweet. Let's go visit the kitchen shall we? Dunkerque probably has something cooking." Jacque says.

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