True Oddity

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Out of shock of what happened and feeling genuinely sorry for Jacque, Jean Bart allowed him to sleep with her for the night so Richelieu wouldn't try anything else, and by morning everyone was in the common room doing their own thing as if nothing had ever happened.

"...Does she even remember what happened?" Jacque mumbles, noticing that her eyes have gone back to normal. That's when he notices that there are small bruises on his arms, presumably from Richelieu grabbing on so hard, and Dunkerque also notices something off.

"Le commandant... Are those... Hickies?" Dunkerque asks Jacque.

"Wait what?" Jacque asks as Le Malin pulls out a mirror and he sees the bruises on his neck for himself.

"What happened?" Le Malin asks.

"Um... We'll get to that soon." Jean Bart replies sheepishly before training her eyes on Richelieu, who all but notices.

"Yes?" Richelieu asks.

"We need to clear something up here." Jean Bart replies as the common room goes quiet.

"What happened this time?" Andre asks before he notices the bruises. "Mon dieu! What happened to you?!"

"Well... To start things off, yesterday evening I was called to check on Richelieu as she had been in her room, and then... Well..." Jacque trails off as he shows off the bruises that the battleship had left on him.

"What the?!" Emile asks.

"She told me that the father, the son and the holy spirit would forgive her that one time." Jacque replies. "And then she tried to seduce me... I managed to get away before she could do the deed."

"Then he collapsed near my room." Jean Bart says. "I don't think I've ever seen him that distressed or frightened ever since back then."

"How preposterous to accuse me of such a thing!" Richelieu replies. "What makes you think that I, the holy cardinal of the Iris Libre, would do something so uncouth?!"

"Um... There's no way I could have given myself these..." Jacque says bluntly as he displays the bruises on his arms and neck. "Even Emile and Le Triomphant remember."

"Yes, we were the ones that called him into your room because you wouldn't come out." Le Triomphant replies.

"Are you sure that you all haven't had some sort of combined delusion?" Richelieu asks. "Surely you must be mistaken!"

"Ha ha, very funny." Jacque replies. "I mean we know it's her, but we can't get her to fess up."

"She don't need to anyway, the bruises are evidence enough." Jean Bart says. "I think we should just give in and let her live that little lie for now, and hopefully nothing worse happens."

"Well don't jinx it now." Jacque replies. "I don't want to wake up one day and find that she's all cuddled up with me. As much as anyone else would like that, after what happened last evening no thanks." He adds, looking at Andre.

"What?" Andre asks.

"You're the most girl crazy person I know. As if what Le Triomphant said to you that day didn't tip a normal person off to the fact that you wanted one of the girls in bed, you probably would have dived into Richelieu's arms."

"Shut up!" Andre shouts.

"Make me." Jacque taunts.

"Oh I'll make you all right!!" Andre shouts again as he begins trying to take Jacque down. Unfortunately his efforts are for naught as Jacque simply maneuvers himself around and makes Andre eat the floor.

"Try all you want, you won't be able to take me down." Jacque laughs as Andre gets up and tries again.

"I'll make you eat those words!" Andre yells as he continues trying to knock out Jacque, much to everyone's amusement. "Shut up! This ain't funny!"

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