Out The Window

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A few days had passed since the Royal Navy decided to stop by, but this evening Jacque notices something off as Le Triomphant and Emile walk over to him with concerning looks on their faces.

"What's the matter?" Jacque asks.

"It's about Richelieu." Emile replies. "She hasn't really come out of her room as of late. She came out to eat but that was about it."

"That's odd... She's usually more active than that." Jacque mumbles. "Then again I've been starting to notice something a little off about her even before..." He continues on as the two Iris Libre ships lead him to the cardinal's room. He gives a few raps, but he gets no response. "Richelieu? Are you in there?"

"Um... Yes I'm in here!" Richelieu calls out.

"...Can I come in? I want to talk with you." Jacque asks. "You've been concerning your fellow Iris Libre girls."

"Uh, sure!" Richelieu replies.

"She hasn't responded like that before..." Jacque mumbles as he dismisses Le Triomphant and Emile and slowly opens the door... "All right Richelieu, now what's... Going... On... What are you wearing?!" He suddenly asks as he's greeted by Richelieu in a rather provocative outfit. She's posed in a way that's attempting to allure him, and her eyes even seem to glow somewhat. "Since when did she get the time to buy colored contacts? They're yellow..." Jacque mumbles in his head as he begins to back away.

"What's wrong?" Richelieu asks, her voice oozing with a newfound lust.

"Well... For starters, why are you wearing that? That's so... Unlike you." Jacque replies.

"I think the father, the son and the holy saint will forgive me for just this one time." Richelieu says as she struts over to the commander, who's all but pressing himself against the wall, and the Iris Libre battleship puts her hands on the wall, trapping him there for the moment.

"Richelieu, what are you... Doing?!" Jacque asks as he attempts to escape, only for Richelieu to pin his wrists to the wall with her hands.

"I've come to realize, I've suddenly gone crazy for you!" Richelieu cries out.

"What the hell?! Did someone slip something into her drink earlier?!" Jacque shouts in his head as he tries to free his wrists, but Richelieu is too strong.

"Please... Don't go..." Richelieu pleads, pressing herself against her commander and puckering her lips.

"Richelieu what's gotten into you?! Let go!" Jacque shouts. "This isn't how yo-mmph!" He gets silenced as Richelieu catches his lips in a passionate kiss.

"Please, don't struggle..." Richelieu says as breaks away from the kiss. "I just want you to take me..."

"Like hell I'll be doing that... I gotta get out of here..." Jacque mumbles in his head as he continues trying to break away from Richelieu, with little success. That's when Richelieu spins Jack around and tosses him onto her bed. "Now's my chance!" And with that he quickly gets off, facing off with the horny battleship.

"No! Please don't leave me alone!" Richelieu whimpers as she tries to tackle Jacque back onto the bed, but in one swift motion Richelieu only eats the bed and Jacque quickly makes his escape, stumbling out of Richelieu's room.

"I made it out... Now to just get as far away from there as possible..." Jacque mumbles as he stumbles all about the base until finally he slams into Jean Bart's door. He then collapses, sprawled out on the floor, and Jean Bart opens the door.

"What the?! What happened to you?!" Jean Bart asks, wondering why her commander is close to passing out.

"Your sister... Richelieu..." Jacque begins.

"What about my sister?" Jean Bart asks.

"She... She tried to seduce me..." Jacque replies before he passes out.

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