Regal Oddity

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Slowly but surely the war against boredom was beginning to turn for the better as Jacque and Andre both found themselves being requested by none other than the cardinal herself.

"So this is her room?" Andre asks.

"Should be." Jacque replies as he knocks.

"The door is unlocked!" A voice calls out, and with that Jacque slowly pushes the door open. Richelieu's room is unsurprisingly well decorated, definitely fit for a queen with a velvety carpet, a bed that looked like it belonged in a castle instead of a base, and of all things a small throne that the blonde battleship happened to be sitting on. Her fuchsia eyes stare into Andre's emerald green as he and Jacque slowly advance forward before going down on one knee. They're snapped out of their regal form though as the cardinal starts laughing. "Please, you do not need to treat me this formally."

"All right." Andre chuckles as he and Jacque stand up as Richelieu does the same. "What brings us to your royal abode?"

"Oh just a little friendly conversation. Never really hurt anyone did it?" Richelieu replies. That's when someone else begins knocking on the door. "Who is it?" Unfortunately the cardinal does not get a response, and with that the three begin delving into each others lives.

"So did it really affect how you saw me at all when I kept switching sides during the war?" Jacque asks. "I know your sister got pretty angry when she heard that I was working with you, almost got blasted by one of her main guns."

"I mean yes you worked with those that were helping the Crimson Axis keep a grip on our land, but ultimately your motives were just. You were trying to free our land nonetheless, and the holy spirit must have seen that in you. You were blessed with some extraordinary luck back there." Richelieu replies. "And I guess that was to be expected. Jean Bart and I don't always get along, and this whole division in the French Navy says it all."

"I see." Andre says.

"Say, how long have you two known one another? Before I saw Jacque as a commander you two got along real well." Richelieu asks.

"We were childhood friends, and then he enlisted. I followed shortly after." Jacque replies. "Even now he sometimes like to pull pranks on me though." He adds, glaring at Andre. "Actually now that I think about it you seem to like pulling pranks on everyone."

"Maybe I do." Andre chuckles. Suddenly the knocking sounds return, but this time they sound more like pounding, and everyone jolts before they whip their heads towards Richelieu's door.

"Oh goodness who is it?" Richelieu asks.

"I request Jacque's presence." A gruff voice calls out.

"Jean Bart? All right, I'm coming out." Jacque says as he leaves Richelieu's room where he finds Le Malin sleeping next to the door and Jean Bart looking at the sleeping destroyer while at the same time rolling her eyes. "Need something?"

"I was bored and wanted someone to chat with." Jean Bart replies.

"Couldn't find anyone else?" Jacque asks jokingly. "Also, I have a little question."

"Sure, what's up?" Jean Bart asks.

"Is it true that both you and Richelieu are looking for a commander?" Jacque asks. "I heard it from Andre."

"Your friend huh?" Jean Bart replies. "But yeah we both are looking. Richelieu is looking for religious reasons and I'm just looking to make sure I stay on track, and so far you've proved best pick."

"Best pick?" Jacque doesn't get to ask any more as Jean Bart leads him away, both of them completely unaware that Andre and Richelieu had overheard the whole thing.

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