Azur Breeze

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"Hm? We're having guests over?" Andre asks Jacque as he walks into the former's office.

"That's what it would seem like." Jacque replies as he sifts through papers until he finds the notice. "Some members of the Royal Navy are coming over to visit and see how things are going."

"Who's going to be visiting?" Andre asks.

"No clue really." Jacque replies. "But they are coming today so you'll find out soon I guess. I'll go and get Jean Bart, you go get Richelieu."

"All right." Andre says as the two head out to fetch the two leading battleships. When Jacque reaches Jean Bart's room, he gently knocks on the door to let her know he's there, but he doesn't seem to get any response.

"Jean Bart? You there?" Jacque asks. When he still doesn't get any response that's when he realizes that the door is unlocked, and he slowly peeks in. As it would turn out Jean Bart was simply still asleep, and Jacque chuckles. "It's still kinda early in the morning I guess... But do I wake her?"

"Mmph... Huh?" Jean Bart mumbles as she slowly stirs, turning her head to where she thinks Jacque's voice is coming from. Eventually her eyes completely open and she realizes where Jacque is. "Why are you up and here Jacque? It's five in the fucking morning..."

"Well, I wanted to let you know that we were having guests over so you could get ready." Jacque replies. "Come on and wake up already." He chuckles.

"If they're from the Royal Navy, don't bother..." Jean Bart mumbles.

"Well, even though I haven't exactly picked a side yet, I'm still your commander and that was an order." Jacque says.

"Aye sir." Jean Bart replies. "I'll get up. Just give me a little privacy all right? Peek in again and I'll knock you silly."

"Right right, I wouldn't dare do that." Jacque chuckles, and it seems to work some as Jean Bart also chuckles before he leaves to let Jean Bart get herself ready. Meanwhile Andre and Richelieu meet up with Jacque, and the latter chuckles.

"Still asleep?" Richelieu asks. "She's not a morning person."

"It was pretty easy to tell." Jacque chuckles. "She's getting changed right now."

"Well at least there's that." Richelieu says, and a moment later...

"All right, I'm out. Now where are these snobs?" Jean Bart loudly proclaims, throwing the door open. As she does though she unintentionally smashes Jacque in the face with the door, and a very loud shout echoes throughout the entire base.

"AIE!" Jacque shouts out as he collapses to the ground, holding his possibly broken nose in pain.

"Le commandant?!" Jean Bart suddenly asks, rushing over to the fallen commander. "Merde... I did not realize you were there, are you okay?!"

"My nose..." Jacque says. That's when two carriers emerge, clearly having heard the commotion. One of them wears a long white dress that's just translucent enough to show off her legs, clad in stockings and heels, and her long white hair has been pulled into low ponytails of some sort while a white sunhat sits on her head. Next to her is a young girl with a dress of similar color, and she wears white mary janes. Her long purple hair has been left down and she carries around an alicorn plushy.

"Um... Are you okay?" The purple haired girl asks.

"I think Jean Bart might have broken his nose by accident..." Richelieu replies. "Aren't you Unicorn?"

"Yes... I am." Unicorn says. "Illustrious, who are they?"

"Well these people are of the French Navy." Illustrious replies. "I think that's their commander on the floor though..."

"Yeah... I may have opened the door in his face without knowing... Think you can help him out?" Jean Bart asks sheepishly.

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