Free Falling

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Many years have passed since D-Day and the overall end of the second world war, and Jacque had quickly progressed through the ranks- thanks to him practically fighting on both sides of France, he had experience on both ends, and it wasn't long before he progressed to the rank of the mighty commander.

"I knew you had it in you!" Another seaman chuckles as he looks at Jacque's new commander's uniform.

"Thanks Andre." Jacque replies. "I'm just glad you stuck with me after all those years of fighting."

"Hey, you might have fought for the enemy for those brief moments, but you never really let that get in the way of a friendship you know? Any other person in my position would have up and left." Andre chuckles. "So, what do you want to do now? We're all kind off for the day."

"I dunno really." Jacque says. "I really do want to see myself with my own fleet though." He muses as the two friends head to the docks to relax. "I wonder what everyone thinks of me."

"I'm sure they have some respect for you." Andre replies.

"Really?" Jack asks. "They have respect for a guy who has helped the Ironbloods keep an iron grip on France AND at the same time helped beat the snot out of those same people?"

"They think you were acting as a spy or something like that." Andre chuckles. "Either that or they admire the fact that you have fought for France as a whole no matter what side you were on."

"That could be true as well." Jacque chuckles back.

"Either way you have worked for both navies, and I think they both remember you very fondly." Andre says.

"Really?" Jacque asks. "Have you been keeping a track on where I've been?"

"Last time you told me you first worked for the Vichya Dominion, and then you moved into the Iris Libre, and then you kinda went back and forth from there." Andre replies. "Why ask that?"

"Imagine how angry Jean Bart got when she realized I had been working with her sister, even if it was temporary." Jacque says. "She came this close to blasting me with one of her main guns." He adds, measuring out with his fingers for reference. "I know that she and Richelieu don't exactly like one another, but I didn't think it got that heated."

"Well the war is over so I don't see any reason for them to keep on squabbling with one another." Andre replies. "Then again you can never expect siblings to get along all the time."

"Yeah, when was the last time I ever saw you get along with Amber? Last time I came to visit you two were at each other's throats over who was gonna cook that night." Jacque chuckles. "Anyways, about what you were saying about both Iris Libre and Vichya Dominion remembering me fondly?"

"Oh right, that." Andre says, getting himself back on track. "I sometimes hang out with the others and both sides have come to realize something."

"And what's that?" Jacque asks.

"They realize that they're sometimes lacking in judgment." Andre replies. "They only really know the best in war, and when it comes to other stuff they find themselves lacking. Both sides have told me that they would love to have a commander to work alongside, and one that they know." Jacque then puts two and two together before strange images plague his head. "Earth to Jacque?"

"Oh huh?" Jacque asks as he recollects himself. "Sorry, kinda got lost in my head there. Actually, it's getting a little hot out here. Shall we head back inside?"

"All right." Andre replies as they both head for the nearest building to cool off.

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