Two Sides Of The Same Coin

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Today was an off kind of day and Jacque found his office was free of any documents that he had to look over for the day.

"Well, might as well get a little rest while I'm at it." Jacque chuckles as he heads into the common room and decides to rest on the couch. He hears Andre walk in, given the heavy footsteps, and continues to rest. That's when he hears much lighter footsteps, almost as if made by high heels. He slowly opens one eye and finds that Le Malin has found him and she promptly flops onto the couch and rests on him.

"You just gonna let her do that?" Andre asks.

"Mmph... Keep it down, you'll wake her up." Jacque mumbles as Le Malin wraps her arms around his waist and continues to nap, making cute snoring noises as she does so. Eventually the two hear even more footsteps, and the high pitched voice that goes along with them says all.

"Geez, sleeping again le commandant?" Le Triomphant calls out.

"He's the commander... He can do what he wants..." Le Malin mumbles, snuggling tighter.

"Come on, wake up." Le Triomphant whines as she grabs Jacque's other arm and tugs. This makes Jacque open his eyes and Le Malin nearly falls over.

"Wah! What are you doing?!" Le Malin asks as she glares at Le Triomphant.

"Geez, what happened to all the elegance my sister had?" Le Triomphant asks.

"Hey, I might be elegant but I'm still a free spirit." Le Malin replies. "Now let go of le commandant's arm. He's had a long day."

"He hasn't spent time with me though!" Le Triomphant complains. "Come on!" She says as she pulls on Jacque's arm, and Le Malin pulls on his other arm in return.

"This can only end in one way..." Andre chuckles and Jacque mouths a "screw you" to him before the two destroyers start pulling him around.

"He's coming with me!" Le Triomphant shouts.

"No he's going to nap with me!" Le Malin shouts back.

"That can wait!" Le Triomphant shouts, all the while the commander has an exasperated expression on his face. "I'm spending time with him! You've already hung out with him!"

"No I am!" Le Malin shouts back before they really start trying. Jacque then winces as the destroyers initiate a tug of war, using him as the rope, and they keep pulling, threatening to dislocate his arms. "Let go!"

"You let go first!" Le Triomphant yells. "He's MINE!"

"No he's MINE!" Le Malin yells back.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! Let go! You're gonna tear me in half!" Jacque suddenly yells, hoping he'll attract someone's attention besides Andre, and as if by some miracle, Dunkerque rushes into the room and breaks up the two before they can dislocate Jacque's arms.

"Goodness gracious I was in my room and I could hear you two from down the hall." Dunkerque mumbles. "Le commandant, are you okay?"

"My arms hurt..." Jacque mumbles. "I swear if you didn't come in they would have ripped me in half... Once again you've saved me Dunkerque."

"What's going on out there? I heard a shouting match." Jean Bart asks as she also walks into the living room at the same time Richelieu and Emile do.

"What in the blazes happened here? First thing I heard was Le Triomphant arguing with someone and then I heard le commandant shouting that he was gonna get torn in half or something!" Emile says.

"They were fighting over who he was going to spend time with, and had Dunkerque not intervened he probably would have had his arms dislocated from how hard they were pulling." Andre says bluntly, and as soon as the whole fight started it ended as the two destroyers are pulled away by their respective factions for a serious talk while the commander recovers.

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