Cold and Stale

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Due to Jacque's indecisiveness, the top brass decided to give him an office in the middle of the base so he could start filing stuff, and both sides could easily visit him if necessary.

"Well, this definitely beats laying around the couch all day." Jacque chuckles as he and Andre look through various documents.

"I guess you could say that." Andre chuckles back. "But I think you need a proper secretary, more namely one of the girls." Jacque doesn't say anything but he picks up his pace as he continues to work, and eventually Dunkerque drops by.

"I see you finally got an office." The battlecruiser chuckles as she notices how hard Jacque is working. "I doubt he notices I'm here so I'm just gonna leave these for him when he's done." She says as she drops off a small box of her sweets.

"Yeah he's in the zone right now." Andre chuckles back. "He should be getting a secretary soon, I can only do so much."

"That's true." Dunkerque says as Richelieu walks into the office.

"Oh my dearest apologies, wrong time?" Richelieu asks.

"Oh no, not at all." Dunkerque replies. "I was just going to see what Jacque was doing."

"What brings you two here anyway?" Jacque asks as he looks up and notices two ships from different sides standing next to his desk. "I'm a little busy so I can't really talk right now."

"I understand that completely." Richelieu replies. "I was just going to see what you were doing." And with that the two continue to relax on the couches in Jacque's office while the commander continues working, occasionally stealing glances at one another. It was very peaceful for those few minutes- that was until Jean Bart herself decided to pop in.

"Oi le commandant, what are... You... Doing..." The Vichy battleship trails off as she notices that her sister is right there on the couch.

"This could get ugly..." Jacque mumbles in his head as he tries to drown out the following conversation.

"So... What brings you here sister?" Jean Bart asks, forcing a rather unnatural smile.

"I could ask you the same thing..." Richelieu replies, doing more or less the same thing.

"Uh oh... I think I'll see myself out." Andre mumbles as he walks out.

"Say, aren't you looking for a commander?" Richelieu asks.

"I mean, to keep my team on the right track yes. You?" Jean Bart replies.

"Religion can only get you so far." Richelieu says. "More human reference would definitely help us out." And then they both look at Jacque, who's trying not to pay attention.

"He would make a perfect commander!" The two sisters call out simultaneously, and Jacque freezes up, realizing that he is now being talked about.

"Oh no..." Jacque says in his head.

"I think he would make the perfect commander for the Vichya Dominion." Jean Bart says to Richelieu.

"I could not imagine Jacque working with the likes of pirates." Richelieu replies.

"Pirates? Now that certainly is a low blow." Jean Bart retorts. "What happened to all the respect that the father, the son and the holy spirit expect of their cardinal?"

"You're one to talk, you have run away from that!" Richelieu snaps. "Jacque would make the perfect commander for the Iris Libre, and that's that."

"I don't think Jacque would like working with a bunch of royal snobs." Jean Bart taunts.

"Ah! You DARE mock us?!" Richelieu shouts.

"I do dare!" Jean Bart shouts as she places her hand on Jacque's shoulder. "Jacque, you'd be okay working with me right?"

"I don't know if he's forgiven you for almost blasting his head off back then." Richelieu says as she places her hand on Jacque's other shoulder.

"That was years ago! That has been long over!" Jean Bart replies, but before the two can think about throwing fists they notice that Jack has opened up the box of pastries. "Ooh are those Dunkerque's sweets?"

"You two are free to have some if you want." Jacque says, and as if by magic the sisters forget what they were even fighting about to enjoy some sweet sweet desserts.

"Oh man I've forgotten how good these are." Richelieu giggles. "And you said Dunkerque made these?"

"You can thank her later." Jean Bart chuckles, showing a more genuine smile.

"Thank you so much Dunkerque..." Jacque says in his head as he continues eating some of the sweets with the sisters.

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