The Beauty And The Blade

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Another day had passed, and Jacque and Andre had once again found themselves failing utterly against the war on boredom.

"I probably should have just retreated to my room." Jacque mumbles as he takes up the whole couch, much to Andre's dismay.

"Really?" Andre chuckles as he stands up and looks at Jacque disapprovingly.

"What? I can't just flop out like this every now and then?" Jacque laughs as Andre then begins trying to get him off the couch. "No... I wanna stay..."

"I don't think so." Andre chuckles, but when he manages to pull the commander off, he hits the ground with a very audible smack, and it attracts the attention of two blonde ships. One of them is a light cruiser and she looks ready for the dance floor, while the other is a destroyer and she looks ready to take the throne.

"Mon dieu what happened?!" The destroyer asks.

"Gah... Le Triomphant? Is that you?" Jacque asks as he realizes he's landed on his back, making it look like Le Triomphant is upside-down.

"Yes it's me." Le Triomphant replies. "What's all this commotion?"

"I just wanted to relax on the couch, but nooo~ Andre here just had to throw me off." Jacque says, mockingly accusing Andre.

"Hey!" Andre shouts.

"How dare you!" Le Triomphant shouts back as she pulls out her rapier and points the tip at Andre. "You would disrespect someone like that? Especially someone who has just been promoted to commander?"

"I didn't mean it! I swear!" Andre quickly says. "He was taking up the couch."

"So what? There's another couch right there!" Le Triomphant says, continuing to chew out Andre while the light cruiser helps the commander get back on his feet.

"Le commandant, are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, thanks Emile." Jacque replies. "Do you care at all if I call you that?"

"Emile Bertin, Emile, Millie, it doesn't matter honestly, as long as you don't call me Bert." Emile says.

"Right, I'll make a note of that." Jacque replies as Andre collapses onto the couch. "Looks like she gave you a real mouthful."

"Shut up." Andre mumbles.

"Anyways, what brings you girls here?" Jacque asks.

"We heard you fall and wanted to see if you were okay, but we don't really have anything to do. The war is over after all." Le Triomphant replies. "I still want to make sure my skills are top notch."

"So you want to spar with me?" Jacque asks.

"Yes but I can't think of a place to do it." Le Triomphant replies.

"Let's do it right here then." Jacque says, and the destroyer looks at him like he just asked her to strip in front of everyone.

"I know, it might sound crazy, but it works." Andre replies. "Just go along with it."

"Actually... I think I changed my mind, maybe I can try some other day." Le Triomphant says sheepishly, not wanting to risk smashing something with her rapier.

"At least you can do this with all of this space here." Emile giggles as she begins pirouetting all about the common room and pulling off a whole array of ballet moves for everyone to see.

"Very graceful." Jacque says. "I could never."

"Surely you could manage?" Emile asks.

"I'm just not fit for dancing. I'm more of a fighter." Jacque chuckles as he demonstrates with his blade. His movements are quick and nimble, power surges through his saber and his reflexes are lightning quick- any normal man with a blade would not last long in a match against him.

"See? That's a dance in of itself!" Emile says.

"Is it really?" Jacque asks. "Do enlighten me." And with that Emile pulls Jacque off to the side while Andre continues resting on the couch with Le Triomphant quickly trailing behind the two.

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