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Only a few days had passed since Jacque was promoted to commander, and with nothing else to do he finds himself in the base's common room with Andre, simply talking the day away while the seamen continue with training just in case something decides to attack them. The base was updated after the war and it was designed so that the Iris Libre and the Vichya Dominion weren't too likely to run into one another and cause commotion, with the common room being the only exception.

"So what have you been doing?" Jacque asks Andre.

"Eh, just relaxing really." Andre replies. "I need something to do."

"Well, why don't we spar?" Jacque asks.

"Spar? Spar where?" Andre asks back.

"Well the common room is so large that we wouldn't really have to worry about breaking anything, and we don't exactly have a dedicated room for that kind of stuff. Plus have you seen the training room? There's barely enough space for a proper match!" Jacque replies.

"You're crazy!" Andre says.

"Crazy enough to say I'm a better swordsman than you." Jacque replies.

"Oh now you're pushing it. Very well then." Andre says as the two get up from the couch and face one another in the center of the common room, valuables well away from sword's length. "En guarde." He says as he and Jacque pull out their sabers before clashing. Andre starts off strong but Jacque is more nimble, having seen much more battle than him, and it's not long before one mess up by Andre turns into a series of chokes. As quickly as the match had started Andre found himself pinned by Jacque, his blade just stopping at his neck.

"You need more practice." Jacque chuckles as he disarms and helps Andre get back on his feet.

"I'm at a disadvantage, you have twice the experience I have." Andre chuckles back.

"Excuses excuses." Jacque taunts, but before the two can head back to the couch to relax a battlecruiser peeks her head into the common room, her silver hair and red eyes being a dead giveaway as to who she was.

"Seigneur! What is going on here?!" She asks.

"Nothing to worry about Dunkerque, tis a light sparring match." Jacque replies.

"...In the middle of the common room?" Dunkerque asks.

"Where else? Training room's too cramped, outside is way too hot, this room is big enough that we won't have to worry about breaking stuff." Jacque replies. "We're done now though, so feel free to roam without worry of a blade going at your face."

"Touche." Dunkerque chuckles as she walks in and joins the two on the couch.

"How's Jean Bart been since the war?" Jacque asks, turning to face the battlecruiser.

"Pretty well thanks for asking, although I don't see why she wants to leave that second turret the way it is." Dunkerque replies. "You'd think that after all this fighting was over she'd get that fixed."

"Eh, I didn't get to know her personally. I just knew her well enough to take orders from her when I worked for you guys." Jacque says. "She's not too sore about me working with Richelieu is she?"

"She's definitely calmed down over that." Dunkerque replies. "But I still remember walking in the day you came back and seeing her point one of her main guns at you. I don't think I've ever been more frightened for your safety."

"Hey, things have changed though." Jacque says. "Even if only by a little bit. The division still exists after all, and I hear from Andre here that you needed a commander? Just asking out of curiosity."

"That is true. Jean Bart is looking." Dunkerque replies. "And I can only assume the Iris Libre's cardinal is doing the same. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to the kitchen. I dearly hope that I haven't left those buns in the oven for too long..." And with that the battlecruiser takes her leave, once again leaving Jacque and Andre to wage their own failing war against boredom.

Liberty and Domination: Fledgling CoercionWhere stories live. Discover now