Fallen Angel

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"What the hell's gotten into her?" Jacque mumbles as he walks around the hallways, actively searching to make sure Richelieu just wasn't around the corner ready to try something with him. He had been uneasy since the night the battleship attempted to seduce him, and he had found himself spending more time with Jean Bart and the Vichya girls as a result.

"You sure you don't want something to wash that memory away with? I got something strong if you just wanna knock yourself out." Jean Bart asks.

"Um... I think I'll pass." Jacque replies as he lounges around in the common room. "That's odd... Le Triomphant and Emile aren't around..." And that's when Andre emerges.

"You know I was just going to walk over to you and say that." Andre replies. "I've been trying to find them too, but they haven't been around as of late. Even their rooms are empty and I'm not about to be seen as a pervert."

"Well too late for that." Jacque chuckles. "Remember the last time you accidentally stumbled into the girls bathroom? I was walking down the hall and I heard explosions coming from somewhere, and then I see you, pants unbuttoned, sweat all over your face, looking like you've seen a ghost, running for your life as Jean Bart attempts to blast your head off. I don't think I've ever seen her that mad since the time I told her I was working with Richelieu."

"I don't think we need a reminder of that." Jean Bart chuckles awkwardly, remembering how everyone in the Vichya Dominion was outright frightened and refused to even approach the Vichy battleship for a few days. "Still were you blind or something?"

"No I was not, I must have blanked out or something." Andre says, but Jacque then proceeds to smack him uptop the head.

"Like anyone would believe that." Jacque replies. "Even if you somehow accidentally wound up in the girl's bathroom you would still be able to notice that the little corridor that leads to the girls and the mens bathrooms are vastly different. You just wanted to sneak a peek did you?"

"Shut up!" Andre shouts. Before the two can erupt into another fight Dunkerque walks into the room with a plate of eclairs.

"Go ahead and indulge yourself." Dunkerque giggles. "They're going to be gone before you know it." She adds, side eyeing Le Malin. Before the destroyer can take more than she can eat, Jacque holds her back, and she flails her arms around in a fruitless attempt to break free.

"Let go!" Le Malin shouts as she tries to escape Jacque's clutches so she can reach the eclairs. By the time Jacque lets go though, there are five eclairs left- the others already having eaten the majority of them. "My sweets!"

"Just can't seem to live without them can you?" Jacque laughs as he takes one, and then Le Malin goes after the rest like a hungry wolf.

"Yes... My precious sweets..." Le Malin says dreamily as he eats the one he managed to get. Suddenly the entire Vichya Dominion hears a series of explosions, and everyone looks at one another.

"What the hell was that?!" Jean Bart asks, looking at Jacque. "Are we under attack?!"

"Whatever it was, it came from inside the base. Come on!" Jacque replies as he, Andre and the Vichy girls move out to try and locate the source of the explosions. Eventually the explosions are traced outside, and standing before them are none other than Richelieu and the Iris Libre girls.

"Richelieu?! What are you doing?!" Jean Bart shouts. That's when Jacque notices that Richelieu's eyes are yellow once more.

"The father, the son and the holy spirit have spoken!" Richelieu shouts. "It's time to do away with this unholy ground!"

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