Chapter 24: Believer

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Day 21

"Oh my God, I deserve an Oscars for making you look this pretty!" Mar exclaims as she stares at my reflection in the mirror.

"Mar, Oscars are for acting, not for makeup."

"Why can't you just let me have my moment?! You look so beautiful, Ames."

I give her a quick hug and go over my look one last time. Mar straightened my dark blonde hair and styled it in an elegant low ponytail.

She made me wear a long high-neck mocha dress that matches perfectly with my warm skin tone. The dress was made of Georgette fabric, and it only hugged my waist. I also removed the wrap around my shoulder since I don't feel any pain there anymore.

I complimented the dress with a pair of long gold earrings.

As for my makeup, Mar contoured my face and applied some eyeliner. My look was simple yet elegant.

Although I'm ready, I can't help but feel really anxious. I just don't want any trouble night. I can't stand another fight with Ashley.

"Relax, it will be okay," Mar whispers reassuringly before opening the door.

I grab my small purse and walk behind her.

Logan is the first to see me.

"Holy shit."

I can't help but smile at his reaction.

"Mar, you should do this thing to her more often."

She shrugs, "This thing is called makeup. And if only she'd let me!"

"Where is Noah?" I ask.

"He's waiting for you in the hallway."

"Wish me luck," I whisper to Logan before walking downstairs.

Noah is texting on his phone and doesn't notice me on the stairs. As soon as he hears my footsteps, he turns around.

His eyes meet mine first, making my heart skip a beat. He then eyes my dress quickly before meeting my eyes again.

My breath gets caught inside my throat when I notice his suit. He looks so handsome it hurts.

Is it me or a guy becomes ten times hotter when he's in a suit? Because Noah in a suit is so fucking gorgeous that it physically hurts to look at him. I quickly look away, not wanting to be caught checking him out.

"You're beautiful," His voice is hoarse, and I have goosebumps all over.

"Thanks," I mutter back.

As he opens the front door for me, I can't help but notice how good he smells.

How the hell am I supposed to survive this car ride with him?!

He opens the car door for me as well. I mumble a small thank you.

As soon as he gets inside, I realize that he's not holding any package with him.

"Where's Ashley's gift?"

His eyes widen, "Gift? We should get her a gift?"

I groan, "Noah! How could you forget to get a gift?!"

His hand moves to his forehead, "I don't know! She's turning eighteen, isn't she too old for gifts?"

"No, normal eighteen years-olds are not too old for gifts."

"I'm sorry. You're right. It's just difficult to think of Ashley as a normal human being with all her scheming and manipulative ways."

"That's exactly what I was thinking the other day," I mutter, "But she's still a human. Also, I genuinely don't think that we'll be allowed to enter without a gift."

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