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pairing: Lee Gon and Jung Tae-eul


Jung Tae-eul pulled herself up into a sitting position in the large, luxurious bed and let out a contented sigh. As she reached her hand up to brush her dark curls from her face she caught sight of the shimmering diamond on her finger and held her hand out to admire the way it sparkled in the sunlight breaking through the curtains.

Seeing the delicate platinum band below it her face broke out into a smile and she felt a warm feeling spreading through her chest.

"Good morning wife," Lee Gon drawled from the doorway before moving forward to place a tray of freshly cooked eggs and bacon in the middle of the bed.

Tae-eul glanced up at her new husband and felt her heart soar when she saw the adoration in his eyes. He was freshly showered and wearing only a towel wrapped loosely around his waist and she had to focus on looking at his face to stop herself getting flustered. "It's your majesty to you," Tae-eul replied in mock sternness. The sound of her new name "wife" being spoken by Lee Gon sent goose bumps across her skin and when he gave her a mock salute and responded 'yes your majesty' in a serious tone she couldn't help but laugh.

Lee Gon loved hearing the sound of her laugh, it made him feel light and blissful. It had taken a long time for her to laugh again following everything that had happened but after a few months she had started to become herself again. When the war with Lee Rim was over, he had lifted her into his arms and kissed her until they had had to come up for air and he had known that there was no way he would ever be able to leave her again.

Suddenly he was pulled from his thoughts as he caught sight of her pushing the tray away dashing from the bed and into the bathroom.

"Tae-eul are you okay?" he asked anxiously as he ran to the closed door.

"Yeah I just really needed to use the toilet," she yelled back at him from the other side of the door. "I'll be out in a second." Crouching down over the toilet she waited for the waves of nausea to pass and tried to steady her breathing, knowing she couldn't hide her news any longer.


After a wonderful, relaxing day where she and Lee Gon had walked hand in hand through the nearby seaside town with its bustling markets and quaint boutiques, she was thrilled when he had suggested they stay in their beautiful villa for the night.

When he went out to buy the ingredients for dinner it gave Tae-eul the perfect opportunity to set the scene for her announcement. She had been thinking of various ways to tell him about her pregnancy throughout their 2 week holiday and she'd finally settled on telling him in an intimate and romantic way, hoping that he would be as excited as she was when he heard the news.

When her doctor had told her the test had come back positive she had suddenly seen an image in her mind of Lee Gon sitting in a large, cosy armchair with a little boy sitting in his lap, his eyes just like Lee Gon's looking up at him in adoration as he told him a story.

She had never felt maternal before but that image had filled her with a deep longing and love for the baby growing inside her and she was hoping desperately that Lee Gon would feel the same.

She knew that if someone had told her 5 years ago that she was going to become pregnant she'd have blanched in disgust, fear and annoyance but without even realising it her heart had become less cold. Almost as if the tough outer layer had been cracked open to reveal the squishy centre where her true feelings and vulnerability lie and she knew that Lee Gon had been the one to make that happen.

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