Happy Birthday

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pairing: Jo Eun-seob and Myeong Na-ri


"Everything needs to be perfect, sir or you can kindly shove it all up your ass," Myeong Na-ri paced around the room while chewing on her nails.

"Woah, calm down lady tiger," her friend Jung Tae-eul entered her room as she got off her phone after a very intense call.

"It's just, this is Eun-seob's important day and everything needs to be perfect," Na-ri sighed, "but these idiots cannot handle the simplest of instructions." She finally sat down on her bed, her teeth still chewing the top of her nails.

"So I figured. Look, whatever you plan for Eun-seob will be perfect, hell, don't plan anything for him and he'll still be happy. All he wants is just for you to be there," Tae-eul sat down next to Na-ri and put her hand on her shoulder, "Now take a deep breath and rest for a minute, you still have two days until D-day."


"Hey, How's it going?" Eun-seob questioned as he wrapped his arms around Na-ri, bringing her closer to him in a hug.

"Really good. What about you? Excited for your birthday?" Her voice came out muffled, with her mouth still pressed into his shoulder.

"Hmm, not much excited about this year really. It just seems so uneventful. You feel me?" He slightly tilted his head to the side and looked at Na-ri for an answer as she separated herself from him.

"It's your birthday, that is an event." Na-ri shrugged and slowly moved her hand across his chest, "But I do feel you," she turned her lips upwards into a smile as Eun-seob started to chuckle mumbling a lame to her.

Looking up at his smiling face, Na-ri felt her heart pump out blood faster than before. His eyes almost sparkled when he was laughing and hers could only stare at him.

He then asked about her day at the tea shop, which made her let out a long groan and started she off on a rant, complaining her coworkers.


Na-ri turned in her bed for the fiftieth time. This time, she laid on her front with her head buried in her pillow. Eventually, she gave up on sleeping and instead started thinking about the upcoming birthday party of her best friend.

Her lips immediately curled up. Eun-seob had been her friend for almost their whole life and she couldn't imagine what would had been her life before if she hadn't met him. Ever since they both met, they had been inseparable.

This had not been the first night where she had trouble sleeping. In fact for a while now, she was barely getting any sleep. She would keep turning around in bed for hours and sleep would still not find her.

Eun-seon usually helped in these situations. He went to sleep very late every day and that allowed Na-ri to text him when she had trouble falling asleep. But she figured she didn't want to worry him, so, most nights she kept to herself.

Lately, she just used this time to plan for his birthday or to think about her conversations with him. He had been in her mind a lot these days, but then again he was a recurring subject of her thoughts.

"Na-ri, wake up girl," Tae-eul leaned sideways from her chair, which was placed directly next to hers, to shake her.

Na-ri rose up from her sleep, startled, and looked around hoping no one saw her slacking off at work. She was an owner of the tea shop and she didn't want to tarnish her reputation.

"Oh God, I am so sorry Tae-eul. I can't believe I fell asleep at work. This was so irresponsible of me." Na-ri shook her head, disappointed in herself.

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