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pairing: Lee Gon and Jung Tae-eul


Lee Gon is speechless. There she finally is, laying on Tae-eul's chest. She's so tiny and looks so fragile. His Princess.

Her crying stopped and she's peacefully laying in her mother's arms. Gently moving up and down as Tae-eul breathe. After all these months, there she finally is.

Part of him is dying to hold her. The other part of him wants to look at his girls for the rest of his life.

He and Tae-eul had wanted to start a family for months. They kept trying and trying and nine months ago, the good news finally arrived. And now, a beautiful daughter is here.

Lee Gon feels like his heart is going to burst out of love.

They had spent months preparing for her arrival. They had enjoyed picking out baby clothing and painting her room. It all seems to disappear a little, making place for worry.

Tae-eul didn't know how to be a mum. She had read parenting books and talked a great deal about it with Seung-ah since she and Yeong already have a baby. Yet, while she is holding their daughter, she feels like she don't know anything.

Seung-ah told her that might happen. And that everything would be all right. Every woman that became a mother had to learn how to be one.

Lee Gon is still looking at her, a faint smile on his lips. His eyes are still a bit teary, but Tae-eul doesn't blame him.

He wanted to be a dad so bad. Practically screamed out of happiness the day she told him she got pregnant. Tae-eul smiles as she remembers the day.

"Want to hold your daughter?" She says softly.

Gon's smile broadens and he nods. He walks over to her and slowly sits down on the edge of the bed. Tae-eul carefully lays her in his arms.

"Hey little one." says Lee Gon softly. "I'm your dad. And I love you so much. You're perfect, my princess."

He reaches out with his hand to caress her cheek and her tiny hand gets a hold of his finger. The contrast between her little hand and Gon's finger makes Tae-eul smile. She can see how their dauther slightly tightens her grip.

Lee Gon is quiet for a while as he looks at the little miracle in his arms. Her eyes are brown and shiny, just like his. And they're widened as she looks up at him. His heart fills with love.

He had only seen his eyes faintly when looking at some of his family members portraits. And now, a little bundle of joy looked at him with the exact same ones.

Tae-eul looks at him and her heart melts. The man she loves and now the newest member of their little family. Gon's eyes tear up a little more while looking at her.

"I'm proud of us." Tae-eul says softly, feeling tired.

"Me too." says Lee Gon, not taking his eyes off his baby girl. "We really did a good thing." he says.

"Yeah, we did." Tae-eul says smiling. Gon looks at his daughter who is looking back at him.

"No matter what you do, little one, we will always be proud of you. Your mum and dad will always be proud of you." says Lee Gon.

'God, she looks so much like you.' says Gon. Tae-eul chuckles.

"She's got your eyes though." She says.

Gon nods. "Yeah, she does." he says softly. "You must like that."

Tae-eul chuckles again. "I do. You know I adore you eyes. Now I've got two sets of them." She says.

"She's so beautiful." says Lee Gon, still not taking his eyes off her. "Just like you."

"Shut up." Tae-eul says. "I just gave birth. I'm not beautiful right now."

He finally turns to look at her, and pushes the hair off her sweaty forehead.

"You're always beautiful." he says, making her blush. After all these years, he still made her blush.

"She's going to be such a wonderful girl." Tae-eul says, looking at their daughter.

"I hope she's kind." says Lee Gon.

"Oh, I bet you she is." Tae-eul says and he laughs softly.

"Can I hold her for a while? Want to look at her up close one more time before I take a nap." Tae-eul says.

Gon carefully lays their daughter in Tae-eul's arms and she smiles at her.

"Hello, you." She whispers, and she presses a kiss to her forehead.

Lee Gon looks at his girls lovingly. Tae-eul's eyes are closing every now and then out of the tiredness, but she doesn't take them off their daughter.

He can't wait to take her home. To teach her everything he knows.

He's going to talk to her all day every day. He's going to show her the world.

Maybe, when she's old enough, he can take her with him to another worlds.

God, he's so lucky. Not only because he has a beautiful woman that loves him, but now he also has a beautiful daughter.

After meeting Tae-eul, he didn't think he could ever love anyone as much as he loves her. But he's wrong. He might love his baby girl slightly more. Just slightly, though.

He's going to watch her grow as a person. She'll give him drawings. With stick figures and big yellow suns made out of crayon. He'll show her off to everyone around. Because he's got an amazing, beautiful little princess.

Lee Gon can't wait to be there for his little girl. Down every road. He's ready.


Happy Father's Day 💕

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